By: Kari Michel How are your generic or custom models performing? As a result of the volatile economy, consumer behavior has changed significantly over the last...
By: Staci Baker As the economy has been hit by the hardest recession since the Great Depression, many people wonder how and when it...
With the issue of delayed bank foreclosures at the top of the evening news, I wanted to provide a different perspective on the issue...
By: Kari Michel Credit bureau data has been used for many years to develop credit risk models, bankruptcy scores, profitability models, and response models to...
By: Wendy Greenawalt US interest rates are at historically low levels, and while many Americans are taking advantage of the low interest rates and refinancing...
With the recent release of first-time unemployment applications by the Labor Department showing weaker than expected results, it comes as no surprise that July foreclosure...
Recently, a number of media articles have discussed the task facing financial institutions today – find opportunities growth in a challenging and flat economy....
By: Kari Michel What are your acquisition strategies to increase consumer lending and gain market share? This blog will discuss new approaches to create segment-based targeting campaigns and...
By: Wendy Greenawalt The final provisions included in The Credit Card Act will go into effect on August 22, 2010. Most lenders began preparing for...
US interest rates are at historically low levels, and while many Americans are taking advantage of the low interest rates and refinancing their mortgages,...
By: Kari Michel Credit risk models are used by almost every lender, and there are many choices to choose from including custom or generic models. ...
By: Staci Baker With the increase in consumer behaviors such as ‘strategic default’, it has become increasingly difficult during the past few years for...
By: Kari Michel The Federal Reserve’s decision to permit card issuers to use income estimation models to meet the Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure (CARD)...
By: Kari Michel Credit quality deteriorated across the credit spectrum during the recession that began in December, 2007. As the recession winds down, lenders...
By: Wendy Greenawalt The auto industry has been hit hard by this Great Recession. Recently, some good news has emerged from the captive lenders, and...