If rumors hold true, Apple Pay will launch in a week. Five of my last six posts had covered Apple’s likely and actual strategy in payments & commerce, and the rich tapestry of control, convenience, user experience, security and applied cryptography that constitutes as the backdrop. What follows is a summation of my views – with a couple of observations from having seen the Apple Pay payment experience up close. About three years ago – I published a similar commentary on Google Wallet that for kicks, you can find here. I hope what follows is a balanced perspective, as I try to cut through some FUD, provide some commentary on the payment experience, and offer up some predictions that are worth the price you pay to read my blog. Source: Bloomua / Shutterstock.com First the criticism. Apple Pay doesn’t go far enough: Fair. But you seem to misunderstand Apple’s intentions here. Apple did not set out to make a mobile wallet. Apple Pay sits within Passbook – which in itself is a wrapper of rewards and loyalty cards issued by third parties. Similarly – Apple Pay is a wrapper of payments cards issued by third parties. Even the branding disappears once you provision your cards – when you are at the point-of-sale and your iPhone6 is in proximity to the reader (or enters the magnetic field created by the reader) – the screen turns on and your default payment card is displayed. One does not need to launch an app or fiddle around with Apple Pay. And for that matter, it’s even more limited than you think. Apple’s choice to leave the Passbook driven Apple Pay experience as threadbare as possible seems an intentional choice to force consumers to interact more with their bank apps vs Passbook for all and any rich interaction. Infact the transaction detail displayed on the back of the payment card you use is limited – but you can launch the bank app to view and do a lot more. Similarly – the bank app can prompt a transaction alert that the consumer can select to view more detail as well. Counter to what has been publicized – Apple can – if they choose to – view transaction detail including consumer info, but only retains anonymized info on their servers. The contrast is apparent with Google – where (during early Google Wallet days) issuers dangled the same anonymized transaction info to appease Google – in return for participation in the wallet. If your tap don’t work – will you blame Apple? Some claim that any transaction failures – such as a non-working reader – will cause consumers to blame Apple. This does not hold water simply because – Apple does not get in between the consumer, his chosen card and the merchant during payment. It provides the framework to trigger and communicate a payment credential – and then quietly gets out of the way. This is where Google stumbled – by wanting to become the perennial fly on the wall. And so if for whatever reason the transaction fails, the consumer sees no Apple branding for them to direct their blame. (I draw a contrast later on below with Samsung and LoopPay) Apple Pay is not secure: Laughable and pure FUD. This article references an UBS note talking how Apple Pay is insecure compared to – a pure cloud based solution such as the yet-to-be-launched MCX. This is due to a total misunderstanding of not just Apple Pay – but the hardware/software platform it sits within (and I am not just talking about the benefits of a TouchID, Network Tokenization, Issuer Cryptogram, Secure Element based approach) including, the full weight of security measures that has been baked in to iOS and the underlying hardware that comes together to offer the best container for payments. And against all that backdrop of applied cryptography, Apple still sought to overlay its payments approach over an existing framework. So that, when it comes to risk – it leans away from the consumer and towards a bank that understands how to manage risk. That’s the biggest disparity between these two approaches – Apple Pay and MCX – that, Apple built a secure wrapper around an existing payments hierarchy and the latter seeks to disrupt that status quo. Let the games begin: Consumers should get ready for an ad blitz from each of the launch partners of Apple Pay over the next few weeks. I expect we will also see these efforts concentrated around pockets of activation – because setting up Apple Pay is the next step to entering your Apple ID during activation. And for that reason – each of those launch partners understand the importance of reminding consumers why their card should be top of mind. There is also a subtle but important difference between top of wallet card (or default card) for payment in Apple Pay and it’s predecessors (Google Wallet for example). Changing your default card was an easy task – and wholly encapsulated – within the Google Wallet app. Where as in Apple Pay – changing your default card – is buried under Settings, and I doubt once you choose your default card – you are more likely to not bother with it. And here’s how quick the payment interaction is within Apple Pay (takes under 3 seconds) :- Bring your phone in to proximity of the reader. Screen turns on. Passbook is triggered and your default card is displayed. You place your finger and authenticate using TouchID. A beep notes the transaction is completed. You can flip the card to view a limited transaction detail. Yes – you could swipe down and choose another card to pay. But unlikely. I remember how LevelUp used very much the same strategy to signup banks – stating that over 90% of it’s customers never change their default card inside LevelUp. This will be a blatant land grab over the next few months – as tens of millions of new iPhones are activated. According to what Apple has told it’s launch partners – they do expect over 95% of activations to add at least one card. What does this mean to banks who won’t be ready in 2014 or haven’t yet signed up? As I said before – there will be a long tail of reduced utility – as we get in to community banks and credit unions. The risk is amplified because Apple Pay is the only way to enable payments in iOS that uses Apple’s secure infrastructure – and using NFC. For those still debating whether it was a shotgun wedding, Apple’s approach had five main highlights that appealed to a Bank – Utilizing an approach that was bank friendly (and to status quo) : NFC Securing the transaction beyond the prerequisites of EMV contactless – via network tokenization & TouchID Apple’s preference to stay entirely as an enabler – facilitating a secure container infrastructure to host bank issued credentials. Compressing the stack: further shortening the payment authorization required of the consumer by removing the need for PIN entry, and not introducing any new parties in to the transaction flow that could have introduced delays, costs or complexity in the roundtrip. Clear description of costs to participate – Free is ambiguous. Free leads to much angst as to what the true cost of participation really is(Remember Google Wallet?). Banks prefer clarity here – even if it means 15bps in credit. As I wrote above, Apple opting to strictly coloring inside the lines – forces the banks to shoulder much of the responsibility in dealing with the ‘before’ and ‘after’ of payment. Most of the bank partners will be updating or activating parts of their mobile app to start interacting with Passbook/Apple Pay. Much of that interaction will use existing hooks in to Passbook – and provide richer transaction detail and context within the app. This is an area of differentiation for the future – because those banks who lack the investment, talent and commitment to build a redeeming mobile services approach will struggle to differentiate on retail footprint alone. And as smarter banks build entirely digital products for an entirely digital audience – the generic approaches will struggle and I expect at some point – that this will drive bank consolidation at the low end. On the other hand – if you are an issuer, the ‘before’ and ‘after’ of payments that you are able to control and the richer story you are able to weave, along with offline incentives – can aid in recapture. The conspicuous and continued absence of Google: So whither Android? Uniformity in payments for Android is as fragmented as the ecosystem itself. Android must now look at Apple for lessons in consistency. For example, how Apple uses the same payment credential that is stored in the Secure Element for both in-person retail transactions as well as in-app payments. It may look trivial – but when you consider that Apple came dangerously close (and justified as well) in its attempt to obtain parity between those two payment scenarios from a rate economics point of view from issuers – Android flailing around without a coherent strategy is inexcusable. I will say this again: Google Wallet requires a reboot. And word from within Google is that a reboot may not imply a singular or even a cohesive approach. Google needs to swallow its pride and look to converge the Android payments and commerce experience across channels similar to iOS. Any delay or inaction risks a growing apathy from merchants who must decide what platform is worth building or focusing for. Risk vs Reward is already skewed in favor of iOS: Even if Apple was not convincing enough in its attempt to ask for Card Present rates for its in-app transactions – it may have managed to shift liability to the issuer similar to 3DS and VBV – that in itself poses an imbalance in favor of iOS. For a retail app in iOS – there is now an incentive to utilize Apple Pay and iOS instead of all the other competing payment providers (Paypal for example, or Google Wallet) because transactional risk shifts to the issuer if my consumer authenticates via TouchID and uses a card stored in Apple Pay. I have now both an incentive to prefer iOS over Android as well as an opportunity to compress my funnel – much of my imperative to collect data during the purchase was an attempt to quantify for fraud risk – and the need for that goes out of the window if the customer chooses Apple Pay. This is huge and the repercussions go beyond Android – in to CNP fraud, CRM and loyalty. Networks, Tokens and new end-points (e.g. LoopPay): The absence of uniformity in Android has provided a window of opportunity for others – regardless of how fragmented these approaches be. Networks shall parlay the success with tokenization in Apple Pay in to Android as well, soon. Prime example being: Loop Pay. If as rumors go – Samsung goes through with baking in Loop Pay in to its flagship S6, and Visa’s investment translates in to Loop using Visa tokenization – Loop may find the ubiquity it is looking for – on both ends. I don’t necessarily see the value accrued to Samsung for launching a risky play here: specifically because of the impact of putting Loop’s circuitry within S6. Any transaction failure in this case – will be attributed to Samsung, not to Loop, or the merchant, or the bank. That’s a risky move – and I hope – a well thought out one. I have some thoughts on how the Visa tokenization approach may solve for some of the challenges that Loop Pay face on merchant EMV terminals – and I will share those later. The return of the comeback: Reliance on networks for tokenization does allay some of the challenges faced by payment wrappers like Loop, Coin etc – but they all focus on the last mile and tokenization does little more for them than kicking the can down the road and delaying the inevitable a little while more. The ones that benefit most are the networks themselves – who now has wide acceptance of their tokenization service – with themselves firmly entrenched in the middle. Even though the EMVCo tokenization standard made no assumptions regarding the role of a Token Service Provider – and in fact Issuers or 3rd parties could each pay the role sufficiently well – networks have left no room for ambiguity here. With their role as a TSP – networks have more to gain from legitimizing more end points than ever before – because these translate to more token traffic and subsequently incremental revenue – transactional and additional managed services costs (OBO – On behalf of service costs incurred by a card issuer or wallet provider). It has never been a better time to be a network. I must say – a whiplash effect for all of us – who called for their demise with the Chase-VisaNet deal. So my predictions for Apple Pay a week before its launch: We will see a substantial take-up and provisioning of cards in to Passbook over the next year. Easy in-app purchases will act as the carrot for consumers. Apple Pay will be a quick affair at the point-of-sale: When I tried it few weeks ago – it took all of 3 seconds. A comparable swipe with a PIN (which is what Apple Pay equates to) took up to 10. A dip with an EMV card took 23 seconds on a good day. I am sure this is not the last time we will be measuring things. The substantial take-up on in-app transactions will drive signups: Consumers will signup because Apple’s array of in-app partners will include the likes of Delta – and any airline that shortens the whole ticket buying experience to a simple TouchID authentication has my money. Apple Pay will cause MCX to fragment: Even though I expect the initial take up to be driven more on the in-app side vs in-store, as more merchants switch to Apple Pay for in-app, consumers will expect a consistency in that approach across those merchants. We will see some high profile desertions – driven partly due to the fact that MCX asks for absolute fealty from its constituents, and in a rapidly changing and converging commerce landscape – that’s just a tall ask. In the near-term, Android will stumble: Question is if Google can reclaim and steady its own strategy. Or will it spin off another costly experiment in chasing commerce and payments. The former will require it to be pragmatic and bring ecosystem capabilities up to par – and that’s a tall ask when you lack the capacity for vertical integration that Apple has. And from the looks of it – Samsung is all over the place at the moment. Again – not confidence inducing. ISIS/SoftCard will get squeezed out of breath: SoftCard and GSMA can’t help but insert themselves in to the Apple Pay narrative by hoping that the existence of a second NFC controller on the iPhone6 validates/favors their SIM based Secure Element approach and indirectly offers Softcard/GSMA constituents a pathway to Apple Pay. If that didn’t make a lick of sense – It’s like saying ‘I’m happy about my neighbor’s Tesla because he plugs it in to my electric socket’. Discover how an Experian business consultant can help you strengthen your credit and risk management strategies and processes: http://ex.pn/DA_GCP This post originally appeared here.
According to a recent Experian Data Quality study, three out of four organizations personalize their marketing messages or are in the process of doing so.
By: Mike Horrocks As summer comes to end, so does the summer reading list but if you are still trying to get one in, I just finished reading “Isaac's Storm: A Man, a Time, and the Deadliest Hurricane in History”, which is about Isaac Cline the resident meteorologist for U.S. Weather Bureau and the 1900 Hurricane that devastated Galveston, Texas. It is a great read, using actual telegraphs, letters, and reports to show the flaws of an outdated system and how not looking to new sources of information and not seeing the values of nontraditional views, etc., lead to unfathomable destruction for the people of Galveston. As I read the book, I was challenged to think of what is right in front of me that I am not seeing for what it is, just like Mr. Cline ignored reports that would have clearly saved lives and helped predict the storm. So, how can this historical storm teach us a thing or two in the financial industry? Clearly one of the most rapidly changing aspects in banking today is the mobile channel. Many institutions have already adjusted to using it as a service channel, with remote deposit capture, balance, inquiry etc., but what are they doing to take it to the next step? On August 7, 2014, Experian is hosting a webinar by American Banker titled, “What is next for mobile banking?” The webinar will have a powerful panel with thought leaders such as Dominic Venturo, the Chief Innovation Officer at U.S. Bank, Gordon Baird, the Chief Executive Officer at Independence Bancshares, and Cherian Abraham, Senior Business Consultant with Experian’s Global Consulting Practice. If you are already using mobile or maybe trying to look at what you could change, this is a great session to attend. Over the next couple of weeks, we are going to go into some of the key topics from this webinar and explore them some more. Hope to see you at this American Banker webinar.
According to Experian Marketing Services’ Q1 2014 Email Benchmark Report, personalized abandoned cart emails that dynamically show the actual customer cart had 25 percent higher transaction rates than reminder emails that just linked back to the brand’s Website.
As part of its guidance, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency recommends that lenders perform regular validations of their credit score models in order to assess model performance.
According to Experian Marketing Services' annual Email Market Study, personalized promotional emails have 29 percent higher unique open rates and 41 percent higher unique click rates than nonpersonalized mailings.
Using a risk model based on older data can result in reduced predictive power.
The volume of emails sent by marketers rose nearly 13 percent during the 2013 holiday season compared to 2012.
The desire to return to portfolio growth is a clear trend in mature credit markets, such as the US and Canada. Historically, credit unions and banks have driven portfolio growth with aggressive out-bound marketing offers designed to attract new customers and members through loan acquisitions. These offers were typically aligned to a particular product with no strategy alignment between multiple divisions within the organization. Further, when existing customers submitted a new request for credit, they were treated the same as incoming new customers with no reference to the overall value of the existing relationship. Today, however, financial institutions are looking to create more value from existing customer relationships to drive sustained portfolio growth by increasing customer retention, loyalty and wallet share. Let’s consider this idea further. By identifying the needs of existing customers and matching them to individual credit risk and affordability, effective cross-sell strategies that link the needs of the individual to risk and affordability can ensure that portfolio growth can be achieved while simultaneously increasing customer satisfaction and promoting loyalty. The need to optimize customer touch-points and provide the best possible customer experience is paramount to future performance, as measured by market share and long-term customer profitability. By also responding rapidly to changing customer credit needs, you can further build trust, increase wallet share and profitably grow your loan portfolios. In the simplest sense, the more of your products a customer uses, the less likely the customer is to leave you for the competition. With these objectives in mind, financial organizations are turning towards the practice of setting holistic, customer-level credit lending parameters. These parameters often referred to as umbrella, or customer lending, limits. The challenges Although the benefits for enhancing existing relationships are clear, there are a number of challenges that bear to mind some important questions to consider: · How do you balance the competing objectives of portfolio loan growth while managing future losses? · How do you know how much your customer can afford? · How do you ensure that customers have access to the products they need when they need them · What is the appropriate communication method to position the offer? Few credit unions or banks have lending strategies that differentiate between new and existing customers. In the most cases, new credit requests are processed identically for both customer groups. The problem with this approach is that it fails to capture and use the power of existing customer data, which will inevitably lead to suboptimal decisions. Similarly, financial institutions frequently provide inconsistent lending messages to their clients. The following scenarios can potentially arise when institutions fail to look across all relationships to support their core lending and collections processes: 1. Customer is refused for additional credit on the facility of their choice, whilst simultaneously offered an increase in their credit line on another. 2. Customer is extended credit on a new facility whilst being seriously delinquent on another. 3. Customer receives marketing solicitation for three different products from the same institution, in the same week, through three different channels. Essentials for customer lending limits and successful cross-selling By evaluating existing customers on a periodic (monthly) basis, financial institutions can assess holistically the customer’s existing exposure, risk and affordability. By setting customer level lending limits in accordance with these parameters, core lending processes can be rendered more efficient, with superior results and enhanced customer satisfaction. This approach can be extended to consider a fast-track application process for existing relationships with high value, low risk customers. Traditionally, business processes have not identified loan applications from such individuals to provide preferential treatment. The core fundamentals of the approach necessary for the setting of holistic customer lending (umbrella) limits include: · The accurate evaluation of credit and default risk · The calculation of additional lending capacity and affordability · Appropriate product offerings for cross-sell · Operational deployment Follow my blog series over the next few months as we explore the essentials for customer lending limits and successful cross-selling.
By: Staci Baker As we approach the end of the year, and the beginning of holiday spending, consumers are looking at their budgets to determine what level of spending they can do this holiday season, or if they will need additional credit for those much wanted gifts. With that in mind, it is a great time for lenders to evaluate their portfolios to determine which consumers are the best credit risks. According to the National Retail Federation, consumer spending will be up 2.1% for the 2010 holiday season. Although still at pre-recession levels, consumer confidence is starting to re-bound. But, with an increase in consumer confidence, how will lenders meet the demand for credit, and determine the credit worthiness of potential applicants? Since the beginning of the recession there has been a demand for tools that will assist lenders in managing credit risk. One such tool is the tri-bureau VantageScore, a scoring model that is highly accurate, offers greater predictiveness, and is able to score more people. Scoring models allow lenders to predict the likelihood a consumer will default on a loan. Determining who is a qualified candidate through scoring models is only part of the equation. Each lender needs to determine what level of risk to take, and what is the cost of the credit per applicant. By assessing credit risk, having a good plan in place and knowing who the target customer is, lenders will be more prepared for the holiday season. ___________________ National Retail Federation, http://www.nrf.com/modules.php?name=News&op=viewlive&sp_id=1016
Recently, a number of media articles have discussed the task facing financial institutions today – find opportunities growth in a challenging and flat economy. The majority of perspectives discuss the fact that lenders will soon have no choice but to look to the ‘fringe’, by lowering score cut-offs, adjusting acquisition strategies and introducing greater risk into their portfolios in order to grow. Risk and marketing departments are sure to be creating and analyzing credit risk models and assessing credit risk in new, untapped markets in order to achieve these objectives. While it may appear to be oversimplifying the task, many lenders have the opportunity to grow simply by understanding more about two groups of consumers that are already sitting in their offices (or application queues) today: applicants who are approved, but book elsewhere, and applicants that are declined. There are a number of analytic techniques that can be utilized to understand these populations further. Lenders can study the characteristics of other loans originated by these lost consumers, and can also perform analyses of how these consumers performed after booking competitive offers. By understanding the credit characteristics and account delinquency trends of its current applicants, lenders can uncover a wealth of information and insight about the growth opportunities sitting right before them.
By: Kari Michel What are your acquisition strategies to increase consumer lending and gain market share? This blog will discuss new approaches to create segment-based targeting campaigns and the ability to precisely time the offer delivery with consumer needs. The most aggressive and successful banks are using need and attitudinal segmentation, coupled with models that identify consumers in the market for loan products. The return on marketing investment from these refined marketing efforts often exceed 350%, measured on a net of control basis, after all marketing costs. Here is a case study, using Experian tools, showing how one marketer used segment-based targeting, tailoring and timing to increase their response rate 145% over a competitor’s product. In the highly competitive credit card arena, a new business model is emerging that is dependent on acquiring new accounts from consumers that are grouped into specific behavior segments (Credit Hungry Card Switchers and Case Oriented Skeptics) and looking at consumers that were in the market, as well as had the highest likelihood of opening a bankcard account within the next 1 – 4 months. Test Results Total Competitor Experian Experian lift Quantity 624,000 623,953 Response Rate % 2.09% 3.03% 145% Actual Responses 13,035 18,902 Booked Rate % 1.64% 2.24% 137% Actual Booked 10,208 13,989 Approval Rate % 78.30% 74.01% 95% In addition to a 145% lift in response rate, over 3,700 more accounts were booked over the competition. These same tools, “In The Market Models” (developed using credit bureau data) and “Financial Personalities®”, can help your organization have a greater return on your direct marketing investment by increasing acquisition rates.
By:Wendy Greenawalt In my last few blogs, I have discussed how optimizing decisions can be leveraged across an organization while considering the impact those decisions have to organizational profits, costs or other business metrics. In this entry, I would like to discuss how this strategy can be used in optimizing decisions at the point of acquisition, while minimizing costs. Determining the right account terms at inception is increasingly important due to recent regulatory legislation such as the Credit Card Act. These regulations have established guidelines specific to consumer age, verification of income, teaser rates and interest rate increases. Complying with these regulations will require changes to existing processes and creation of new toolsets to ensure organizations adhere to the guidelines. These new regulations will not only increase the costs associated with obtaining new customers, but also the long term revenue and value as changes in account terms will have to be carefully considered. The cost of on-boarding and servicing individual accounts continues to escalate, and internal resources remain flat. Due to this, organizations of all sizes are looking for ways to improve efficiency and decisions while minimizing costs. Optimization is an ideal solution to this problem. Optimized strategy trees can be easily implemented into current processes and ensure lending decisions adhere to organizational revenue, growth or cost objectives as well as regulatory requirements. Optimized strategy trees enable organizations to create executable strategies that provide on-going decisions based upon optimization conducted at a consumer level. Optimized strategy trees outperform manually created trees as they are created utilizing sophisticated mathematical analysis and ensure organizational objectives are adhered to. In addition, an organization can quantify the expected ROI of a given strategy and provide validation in strategies – before implementation. This type of data is not available without the use of a sophisticated optimization software application. By implementing optimized strategy trees, organizations can minimize the volume of accounts that must be manually reviewed, which results in lower resource costs. In addition, account terms are determined based on organizational priorities leading to increased revenue, retention and profitability.
By: Wendy Greenawalt Marketing is typically one of the largest expenses for an organization while also being a priority to reach short and long-term growth objectives. With the current economic environment, continuing to be unpredictable many organizations have reduced budgets and focused on more risk and recovery activities. However, in the coming year we expect to see improvements and organizations renew their focus to portfolio growth. We expect that campaign budgets will continue to be much lower than what was allocated before the mortgage meltdown but organizations are still looking for gains in efficiency and response to meet business objectives. Creation of optimized marketing strategies is quick and easy when leveraging optimization technology enabling your internal resources to focus on more strategic issues. Whether your objective is to increase organizational or customer level profit, growth in specific product lines or maximizing internal resources optimization can easily identify the right solution while adhering to key business objectives. The advanced software now available enables an organization to compare multiple campaign options simultaneously while analyzing the impact of modifications to revenue, response or other business metrics. Specifically, very detailed product offer information, contact channels, timing, and letter costs from multiple vendors and consumer preferences can all be incorporated into an optimization solution. Once defined the complex mathematical algorithm factors every combination of all variables, which could range in the thousands, are considered at the consumer level to determine the optimal treatment to maximize organizational goals and constraints. In addition, by incorporating optimized decisions into marketing strategies marketers can execute campaigns in a much shorter timeframe allowing an organization to capitalize on changing market conditions and consumer behaviors. To illustrate the benefit of optimization an Experian bankcard client was able to reduced analytical time to launch programs from 7 days to 90 minutes while improving net present value. In my next blog, we will discuss how organizations can cut costs when acquiring new accounts.
By: Wendy Greenawalt Marketing is typically one of the largest expenses for an organization and it is also a priority to reach short- and long-term growth objectives. With the current economic environment continuing to be unpredictable, many organizations have reduced budgets and are focusing more on risk management and recovery activities. However, in the coming year, we expect to see improvements in the economy and organizations renewing their focus on portfolio growth. We expect that marketing campaign budgets will continue to be much lower than those allocated before the mortgage meltdown but organizations will still be looking for gains in efficiency and responsiveness to meet business objectives. Optimizing decisions, creation of optimized marketing strategies, is quick and easy when leveraging optimization technology. Those strategies enable your internal resources to focus on more strategic issues. Whether your objective is to increase organizational or customer level profit, growth in specific product lines or maximizing internal resources, optimization / optimizing decisions can easily identify the right solution while adhering to key business objectives. The advanced software now available to facilitate optimizing decisions enables an organization to compare multiple campaign options simultaneously while analyzing the impact of modifications to revenue, response or other business metrics. Specifically, very detailed product offer information, contact channels, timing, and letter costs from multiple vendors -- and consumer preferences -- can all be incorporated into an optimization solution. Once defined, the complex mathematical algorithm factors every combination of all variables, which could range in the thousands. These variables are considered at the consumer level to determine the optimal treatment to maximize organizational goals and constraints. In addition, by optimizing decisions and incorporating them into marketing strategies, marketers can execute campaigns in a much shorter timeframe allowing an organization to capitalize on changing market conditions and consumer behaviors. To illustrate the benefit of optimization: an Experian bankcard client was able to reduce analytical time to launch programs from seven days to 90 minutes while improving net present value. In my next blog, we will discuss how organizations can cut costs when acquiring new accounts.