As 2023 unfolds, rental housing owners and operators find themselves faced with a slightly different market than in the recent past. While rents are...
After a period of historic, double-digit rent growth and razor-thin vacancy rates, the rental housing market has shown some signs of softening in recent...
52 percent of banks report high levels of concern about fraud, making fraud detection in banking top-of-mind. Banking fraud prevention can seem daunting, but...
‘Big data’ might not be the buzzword du jour, but it’s here to stay. Whether trying to improve your customer experience, portfolio performance, automation,...
After being in place for more than three years, the student loan payment pause is scheduled to end 60 days after June 30, with...
Credit portfolio management has often involved navigating uncertainty, but some periods are more extreme than others. With the right data and analytics you can...
Banking uncertainty creates opportunity for fraud The recent regional bank collapses left anxious consumers scrambling to withdraw their funds or open new accounts at...
With an ever-present need for efficiency, security, and seamless citizen services, many agencies are looking at the benefits of a data-driven government. Last year,...
Every data-driven organization needs to turn raw data into insights and, potentially, foresight. There was a time when lack of data was a hindrance,...
On average, the typical global consumer owns three or more connected devices.1 80% of consumers bounce between devices, while 31% who turned to digital...
Jennifer Schulz, CEO of Experian, North America kicked off Experian’s annual Vision conference Tuesday morning pointing to data, analytics, technology and collective curiosity as...
To reach customers in our modern, diverse communications landscape, it’s not enough to send out one-size-fits-all marketing messages. Today’s consumers value and continue to...
In previous posts, I’ve explored the potential ramifications of the end of the Public Health Emergency (PHE) and how it will impact agency plans...
The science of turning historical data into actionable insights is far from magic. And while organizations have successfully used predictive analytics for years, we’re...
With nearly seven billion credit card and personal loan acquisition mailers sent out last year, consumers are persistently targeted with pre-approved offers, making...