School’s out, and graduation brings excitement, anticipation and bills. Oh, boy, here come the student loans. Are graduates ready for the bills? Even before...
Experian’s ID Fraud Tracker, a quarterly analysis of fraud rates across consumer financial products, found that British families who are struggling financially — about...
In just a few short hours, Vision attendees immersed themselves into the depths of the economy, risk models, specialty finance data, credit invisibles, student...
During our recent webinar, Detect and Prevent: The current state of e-commerce fraud, Julie Conroy, Aite Group research director, shared 5 key trends relating...
Sometimes life throws you a curve ball. The unexpected medical bill. The catastrophic car repair. The busted home appliance. It happens, and the killer...
It should come as no surprise that reaching consumers on past-due accounts by traditional dialing methods is increasingly ineffective. The new alternative, of course,...
With the recent switch to EMV and more than 4.2 billion records exposed by data breaches last year*, attackers are migrating their fraud attempts...
The adoption of EMV terminals has pressured attackers to migrate their fraud attempts to the card-not-present channel. This is a major driver to the...
Legitimate address discrepancies are common, which surprises most people. And handling every address discrepancy as a high fraud risk is operationally expensive and inhibits...
Knowing a consumer’s credit information at a single point in time only tells part of the story. I often hear one of our Experian...
Fraud and address manipulation (Part 1) Identifying an address as incorrect seems simple enough. But in reality, address mismatches between an application and credit...
Internet-connected devices provide endless possibilities, but they rely on technology and collected data to deliver on their promises. This can compromise your network security....
Fraud and cybersecurity are two of the biggest risks challenging organizations and the economy today. Fraud has become its own industry, to the tune...
As we approach the one-year anniversary of the EMV liability shift, we have seen an increase in e-commerce fraud — to the tune of...
Historically, the introduction of EMV chip technology has resulted in a significant drop in card-present fraud, but a spike in card-not-present (CNP) fraud. CNP...