Debt & Collections


With the recent switch to EMV and more than 4.2 billion records exposed by data breaches last year*, attackers are migrating their fraud attempts...

Published: April 13, 2017 by Guest Contributor

The adoption of EMV terminals has pressured attackers to migrate their fraud attempts to the card-not-present channel. This is a major driver to the...

Published: March 23, 2017 by Guest Contributor

Legitimate address discrepancies are common, which surprises most people. And handling every address discrepancy as a high fraud risk is operationally expensive and inhibits...

Published: March 16, 2017 by Guest Contributor

Knowing a consumer’s credit information at a single point in time only tells part of the story. I often hear one of our Experian...

Published: March 10, 2017 by Kerry Rivera

Fraud and address manipulation (Part 1) Identifying an address as incorrect seems simple enough. But in reality, address mismatches between an application and credit...

Published: March 9, 2017 by Guest Contributor

Internet-connected devices provide endless possibilities, but they rely on technology and collected data to deliver on their promises. This can compromise your network security....

Published: January 6, 2017 by Guest Contributor

Fraud and cybersecurity are two of the biggest risks challenging organizations and the economy today. Fraud has become its own industry, to the tune...

Published: December 22, 2016 by Guest Contributor

As we approach the one-year anniversary of the EMV liability shift, we have seen an increase in e-commerce fraud — to the tune of...

Published: October 6, 2016 by Guest Contributor

Historically, the introduction of EMV chip technology has resulted in a significant drop in card-present fraud, but a spike in card-not-present (CNP) fraud. CNP...

Published: September 15, 2016 by Guest Contributor

Did you know that identities can shift (for better or worse) in just 30 days? To succeed in today’s multichannel, mobile environment, businesses must...

Published: August 25, 2016 by Guest Contributor

Ten years after homeowners took advantage of a thriving real-estate market to borrow against their homes, many are falling behind on payments, potentially leaving...

Published: August 16, 2016 by Sacha Ricarte

Experian’s annual global fraud report reveals trends that can help organizations mitigate fraud and improve the customer experience: Apply the right-sized fraud solutions to...

Published: August 4, 2016 by Guest Contributor

In an attempt to stay ahead of fraud, systems have become more complex, more expensive and even more difficult to manage, leading to more...

Published: July 28, 2016 by Guest Contributor

 All customers are not created equally – at least when it comes to one’s ability to pay. Incomes differ, financial circumstances vary and economic...

Published: July 12, 2016 by Kerry Rivera

Many fraud and compliance teams are struggling to keep pace with new business dynamics. Here are several of the many mobile device trends affecting...

Published: July 7, 2016 by Guest Contributor

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