Digital Technology


You know what I love getting in the mail? Holiday cards, magazines, the occasional picturesque catalog. What I don’t open? Credit card offers, invitations...

Published: December 15, 2016 by Kerry Rivera

Happy holidays! It’s the holiday season and a festive time of year. Colorful lights, comfort food and holiday songs – all of these things...

Published: December 2, 2016 by Debbie Sutherland

2017 data breach landscape Experian Data Breach Resolution releases its fourth annual Data Breach Industry Forecast report with five key predictions What will the...

Published: November 30, 2016 by Traci Krepper

Reinventing Identity for the Digital Age Electronic Signature & Records Association (ESRA) conference I recently had the opportunity to speak at the Electronic Signature...

Published: November 17, 2016 by Keir Breitenfeld

As we approach the one-year anniversary of the EMV liability shift, we have seen an increase in e-commerce fraud — to the tune of...

Published: October 6, 2016 by Guest Contributor

Historically, the introduction of EMV chip technology has resulted in a significant drop in card-present fraud, but a spike in card-not-present (CNP) fraud. CNP...

Published: September 15, 2016 by Guest Contributor

Experian conducted a joint-survey that uncovered insights into the topic of conversational commerce and voice assistants. The survey audience constituted nearly 1300 smartphone users...

Published: September 14, 2016 by Cherian Abraham

Did you know that identities can shift (for better or worse) in just 30 days? To succeed in today’s multichannel, mobile environment, businesses must...

Published: August 25, 2016 by Guest Contributor

Fraudsters invited into bank branches The days of sending an invitation in the mail have for the most part gone by the wayside. Aside...

Published: August 9, 2016 by Guest Contributor

Experian’s annual global fraud report reveals trends that can help organizations mitigate fraud and improve the customer experience: Apply the right-sized fraud solutions to...

Published: August 4, 2016 by Guest Contributor

In an attempt to stay ahead of fraud, systems have become more complex, more expensive and even more difficult to manage, leading to more...

Published: July 28, 2016 by Guest Contributor

We are excited to announce that Experian Fraud and Identity Solutions is presenting at FinovateFall 2016!  Finovate conferences showcase cutting-edge banking and financial technology...

Published: July 27, 2016 by Guest Contributor

Many fraud and compliance teams are struggling to keep pace with new business dynamics. Here are several of the many mobile device trends affecting...

Published: July 7, 2016 by Guest Contributor

Is the speed of fraud threatening your business? Like many other fraud and compliance teams, your teams may be struggling to keep up with...

Published: June 27, 2016 by Traci Krepper

Every day, millions of new things get connected online, such as toasters, heart monitors and cars. Many of these things have weak security controls...

Published: June 23, 2016 by Guest Contributor

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