Fraud & Identity Management


The data to create synthetic identities is available. And the marketplace to exchange and monetize that data is expanding rapidly. The fact that hundreds...

Published: November 1, 2017 by Keir Breitenfeld

Despite rising concerns about identity theft, most Americans aren’t taking basic steps to make it harder for their information to be stolen, according to...

Published: October 26, 2017 by Guest Contributor

Synthetic identity fraud is on the rise across financial services, ecommerce, public sector, health and utilities markets. The long-term impact of synthetic identity remains...

Published: October 26, 2017 by Guest Contributor

Earlier this week, Javelin Strategy & Research announced its inaugural edition of the 2017 Identity Proofing Platform Awards. We were honored to see CrossCore...

Published: October 11, 2017 by David Britton

Evolution of first-party fraud to third Third-party and first-party schemes are now interchangeable, and traditional fraud detection practices are less effective in fighting these...

Published: September 22, 2017 by Guest Contributor

We recently analyzed millions of online transactions from the first half of 2017 to identify fraud attack rates. Here are the top 3 riskiest...

Published: September 18, 2017 by Guest Contributor

Cybersecurity cannot be successful if siloed. The entire organization must be part of the effort. Take these steps to ensure a more engaged relationship...

Published: September 7, 2017 by Guest Contributor

Since the advent of the internet, our lives have changed drastically for the better. We can perform many of life’s daily activities from the...

Published: September 6, 2017 by Mike Gross

There’s a consensus that too many C-suite executives are disengaged with their organization’s cybersecurity efforts. That indifference can seriously hamper an organization’s ability to...

Published: August 31, 2017 by Guest Contributor

Leadership and Cybersecurity Multiple studies suggest many executives aren’t as engaged as they should be when ensuring their organizations are prepared to mitigate and...

Published: August 24, 2017 by Guest Contributor

We live in a digital world where online identities are ubiquitous. But with the internet’s inherent anonymity, how do you know you’re interacting with...

Published: August 8, 2017 by Mike Gross

A combination of mass identity data compromise and the increasing abilities of organized fraud rings has created a synthetic identity epidemic that is impacting...

Published: July 13, 2017 by Guest Contributor

Mitigating synthetic identities Synthetic identity fraud is an epidemic that does more than negatively affect portfolio performance. It can hurt your reputation as a...

Published: June 22, 2017 by Guest Contributor

The creation of synthetic identities (synthetic id) relies upon an ecosystem of institutions, data aggregators, credit reporting agencies and consumers. All of which are...

Published: June 18, 2017 by Keir Breitenfeld

Experian’s ID Fraud Tracker, a quarterly analysis of fraud rates across consumer financial products, found that British families who are struggling financially — about...

Published: May 18, 2017 by Guest Contributor

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