Spending on debit and prepaid cards in the United States topped $2 trillion in 2011, with 75 percent of this purchase volume being non-ATM...
The Experian/Moody's Analytics Small Business Credit Index tumbled in Q4 2012, falling 6.8 points to 97.3 from 104.1 in the previous quarter. This is...
The average unscoreable consumer has a good job and a better-than-adequate credit profile. Sixty-one percent of unscoreable consumers hold professional level or skilled labor...
According to a recent survey that asked Americans about their understanding of credit scores 83 percent have checked their credit scores and nearly half...
Roughly 70 percent of credit scores change by up to 20 points in any given 90-day window. Most consumers experience a score improvement rather...
The December release of the S&P/Experian Consumer Credit Default Indices, a comprehensive measure of changes in consumer credit defaults, showed the national composite* increased...
Bankcard originations have continued to increase, with Q3 2012 originations increasing 32 percent over Q3 2011. On average, 66 percent of the population now...
To learn the status of Americans' current credit card spending, Credit.com recently compiled a list of the states with the highest average bankcard balance...
Returns on investment from superior customer-centric strategies easily can exceed 20 percent in the first year of implementation. However, this number is compounded exponentially...
Six states are the top producers of turkeys: Minnesota at 46 million, North Carolina at 36 million, Arkansas at 29 million, Missouri at 17.5...
When validating a model in the presence of overlay criteria, it is important to remember that any metrics computed at the aggregate portfolio level...
As of Q2 2012, subprime borrowers are carrying the largest retail card balances, with an average card balance per account of $620 and $700...
Returns on investment from superior customer-centric strategies easily can exceed 20 percent in the first year of implementation. However, this number is compounded exponentially...
During Q2 of 2012, home equity line of credit (HELOC) delinquency rates were the lowest in recent years. The delinquency rate fell below 1...
Not surprisingly, bankcard utilization is the highest among subprime consumers with VantageScore D and F tiers having average bankcard utilization rates of 68% and...