Mortgage Trends


A recent article in the Boston Globe talked about the lack of incentive for banks to perform wide-scale real estate loan modifications due to...

Published: January 6, 2010 by Kelly Kent

In my previous two blogs, I introduced the definition of strategic default and compared and contrasted the population to other types of consumers with...

Published: December 14, 2009 by Kelly Kent

In my last blog, I discussed the presence of strategic defaulters and outlined the definitions used to identify these consumers, as well as other...

Published: December 10, 2009 by Kelly Kent

By: Kari Michel The U.S. government and mortgage lenders have developed various loan modification programs to help homeowners better manage their mortgage debt so that...

Published: November 16, 2009 by Guest Contributor

By: Tracy Bremmer There has been a lot of hype these days about people strategically defaulting on their mortgage loans. In other words, a...

Published: November 9, 2009 by Guest Contributor

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