
Consumer participation in fraud management – part 1

Published: October 26, 2010 by Guest Contributor

By: Kennis Wong

As a fraud management professional, naturally I am surrounded by fraud prevention topics and other professionals in the field all the time.  Financial, ecommerce, retail, telecommunication, government and other organizations are used to talking about performance, scoring models, ROI, false-positives, operational efficiency, customer satisfaction trade-off, loss provisioning, decisioning strategy or any other sophisticated measures when it comes to fraud management.  But when I bring up the topic of fraud outside of this circle, I am always surprised to see how little educated the general public is about an issue that is so critical to their financial health.

I met a woman in an event several weeks ago. After learning about my occupation, she told me her story about someone from XYZ credit card company calling her and asking for her Social Security number, date of birth and other personal identifying information. Only days after she gave out the information that she realized things didn’t seem right. She called the credit card company and got her credit card re-issued. But at the time I talked to her, she still didn’t know enough to realize that the fraudster could now use her identity to start any new financial relationship under her name.

As long as consumers are ignorant about protecting their identity information, businesses’ identity theft prevention program will not be complete and identity fraud will occur as a result of this weak link. To address this vulnerability and minimize fraud, consumers need to be educated.

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