
The Evolution of FinTech: Marketplace Challenger to Industry Collaborator

Published: October 16, 2018 by Stefani Wendel

Evolution of FinTech CollaborationFintechs take on banks, technology, and finance as we know It. In the credit space, their reputation as a market disruptor precedes their definition.

But now, as they infiltrate headlines and traditional finance as many know it – serving up consumer-centric, convenience-touting, access-for-all online marketplace lending – fintechs aren’t just becoming a mainstay within the financial spectrum’s vernacular. With their increasing foothold in the marketplace, they are here and they are gaining momentum.

Since their initial entry to the marketplace in 2006, these technology-driven online platforms flaunt big data, actionable analytics and originations growing at exponential rates.

Fintechs hang their hats on their ability to be the “anti-bank” of sorts. The brainchild of finance plus technology, their brands promise simple but powerful deliverables – all centered on innovation. And they market themselves as filling in the gaps commonly accepted as standard practices by traditional financial institutions. Think paperwork, less-than-instant turnaround times, a history of unwavering tradition, etc.

Fintechs deliver a one-two punch, serving the marketplace as both lending companies and technology gurus – two pieces that financial institutions want and consumers crave. Now, as they grow more prominent within the marketplace, some are starting to pivot to test strategic partnerships and bring their strengths – technological infrastructure, speed and agility – to credit unions and other traditional financial institutions.

According to the World FinTech Report 2018, 75.5% of fintechs surveyed want to collaborate with traditional financial services firms. The challenge, is that both fintechs and traditional financial institutions struggle with finding the right partners, efficiently working together and effectively scaling innovation.

From competitors to collaborators, how can fintechs and traditional institutions strike a partnership balance?

A recent report sponsored by Experian and conducted by the Filene Research Institute, explores this conundrum by examining the experiences of six financial institutions – some fintechs and some traditional FIs – as they seek to collaborate under the common goal of better serving customers.

The results offer up key ingredients for fostering a successful collaboration between fintechs and traditional financial institutions – to generate real impact to the customer experience and the bottom-line. Rest assured, that in the fast-moving, disruptive world of fintech, effective partnerships such as these will continue to push boundaries and redefine the evolving financial services marketplace.

Learn More About Online Marketplace Lending Download the Filene Report

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