
Expanding the marketable universe

Published: August 9, 2011 by Guest Contributor

It’s time to focus on growth again.

In 2010, credit marketers focused on testing new acquisition strategies. In 2011, credit marketers are implementing learnings from those tests.

As consumer lending becomes more competitive, lenders are strategically implementing procedures to grow portfolios by expanding their marketable universe. The new universe of prospective customers is moving steadily beyond prime to a variety of near-prime segments outside of the marketing spectrum that lenders have targeted for the past three years.

Many credit marketers have moved beyond testing based on new regulatory requirements and have started to market to slightly riskier populations. From testing lower-scoring segments to identifying strategies for unbanked/underbanked consumers, the breadth of methods that lenders are using to acquire new accounts has expanded. Portfolio growth strategies encompass internal process enhancements, product diversification, and precise underwriting and account management techniques that utilize new data assets and analytics to mitigate risk and identify the most profitable target populations.

Experian® can help you identify best practices for growth and develop customized strategies that best suit your acquisition objectives. Whether your needs include internal methods to expand your marketable universe (i.e., marketing outside of your current footprint or offers to multiple individuals in a household) or changes to policies for external expansion strategies (i.e., near-prime market sizing or targeting new prospects based on triggered events), Experian has the expertise to help you achieve desired results. 

For more information on the new acquisition strategies and expanding your marketing universe, leave a comment below or call 1 888 414 1120.