
The ideal prospecting list: finding the most profitable consumers

Published: August 13, 2014 by Veronica Herrera

Many times prescreen filtering stops after risk selection but that’s just one small piece of the puzzle.Experian has new tools that can help you pick out the most profitable consumers based on your business objectives.

Think about it – if you’re looking for consumers who will be profitable bankcard customers, wouldn’t you like to know what their total annual plastic spend is? Bankcard users come in all shape and sizes each with their own behavior patterns and preferences…so knowing if your prospects are revolvers or transactors, likely to balance transfer, or if they are rate sensitive, is all vital information to choosing who you want as your next customer.

At Experian, we have a suite of the most advanced analytical tools such as TAPS (Total Annual Plastic Spend), Trend View Solutions, Balance Transfer Index, Estimated Interest Rate calculators, and others. We can help you sift through your list to find the most profitable consumers.t.

In my next installment I’ll look at next generation prospecting models – beyond response.