
Meet TRMA Conference Presenter, Greg Carmean

Published: February 17, 2011 by Guest Contributor

By: Greg Carmean

Next week (February 22-23), several Experian credit and collections experts will have the privilege of sharing their expertise with TRMA conference goers in Las Vegas. Leading up to this year’s Conference, I thought I’d briefly introduce you to each of these speakers and provide a sneak preview of his or her presentation.

Session: Small Business Panel (Wednesday, 2/23/11 10:45 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.)
Topic: Mitigating credit risk: Best practices throughout the account lifecycle
Experian Panel Expert: Greg Carmean, Experian Program Manager, Small Business Credit Share


KM: I’m talking with Experian Program Manager, Greg Carmean. Hi, Greg.

GC: Hi, Kathy.

KM:  Greg, tell us a little bit about your work at Experian.

GC: I’m a Program Manager on the Small Business Credit Share side. I work with small and medium sized companies, including telecom and cable companies, to reduce credit risk and get more value from their data.

KM: Great, so what are your thoughts about this year’s TRMA conference?

GC: From what I’ve seen, it’s shaping up to be a very worthwhile event for telecom and cable companies.

KM: I agree, the presenter list looks especially strong this year. What’s your topic?

GC: The title of my presentation is “Mitigating Risk: Best Practices throughout the Account Lifecycle.”

KM: What will be the biggest takeaways for credit and collections professionals?

GC: Well, as you know, there’s a recovery of sorts underway. But providers, especially the smaller ones, are still struggling to remain competitive. Credit risk is always a hot-button issue, so we’ll be presenting a number of risk-mitigation best practices and tools for account acquisition, account management and collections.

KM: What information do you think your audience will find most useful?

GC: We cover scoring solutions and emerging technologies, which companies always like. But I think people will really want to know more about linkage—and how leveraging information about both business and owner can further reduce credit risk. We’ll close with how bureau data and collectability scores help companies recover more unpaid debt.

KM: Sounds like a lot of good information, Greg—things companies really need to know.

GC: I think so. With the way delinquencies, slow pays and DBT were trending up in 2010, I think there’s something here for anyone who wants to reduce their risk.

KM:  Looking forward to seeing you at the podium, thanks for your time.

GC: Thanks, Kathy.

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