
New Red Flags Rule Federal Trade Commission Web site

Published: April 7, 2009 by Keir Breitenfeld

I encourage all of you to have a look at this newly launched Federal Trade Commission Web site dedicated to the Red Flags Rule guidelines. It is a good resource to that organizes the requirements of the Rule in a user-friendly manner. It also looks to be an ongoing resource for the posting of updates and related commentary. I suggest you make this site one of your bookmarks today:

The Federal Trade Commission has launched a Web site to help entities covered by the Red Flags Rule design and implement identity theft prevention programs. The Rule requires “creditors” and “financial institutions” to develop written programs to identify the warning signs of ID theft, spot them when they occur, and take appropriate steps to respond to those warning “red flags.”

Of particular interest, is the "Read the Guide" tab, where you can view and download the new FTC guide to Red Flag Rules. For those in the telecommunications and utilities spaces, check out the "Publish the Articles" tab where you will find two bulletins on Red Flags in these arenas. Enjoy.