
Northeastern states dominate top 10 list

Published: January 6, 2013 by admin

To learn the status of Americans’ current credit card spending, Credit.com recently compiled a list of the states with the highest average bankcard balance per consumer in the third quarter of 2012. While several Northeastern states dominated the list, Alaska took first place, with an average bankcard balance per consumer of $5,572. On the other end of the spectrum, North Dakota and Iowa had the lowest bankcard balances, at $3,595 and $3,624, respectively.

Here are the top 10 states ranked by highest average bankcard balance per consumer:

  1. Alaska: $5,572
  2. New Jersey: $5,305
  3. Connecticut: $5,182
  4. Colorado: $5,043
  5. Maryland: $5,035
  6. Delaware: $5,020
  7. Georgia: $4,993
  8. Washington, D.C.: $4,910
  9. Virginia: $4,898
  10. New York: $4,891

Learn how to stay ahead of consumer credit trends with IntelliViewSM, a Web-based query, analysis and reporting tool. IntelliView was used to compile the list of the 10 states with the highest average bankcard balance.

Source: Credit.com article, “10 States With the Highest Credit Card Balances”

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