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Experian’s award-winning platform now brings together market-leading data, generative AI and cutting-edge machine learning solutions for analytics, credit decisioning and fraud into a single...

Published: May 22, 2024 by Julie Lee

“Learn how to learn.” One of Zack Kass’, AI futurist and one of the keynote speakers at Vision 2024, takeaways readily embodies a sentiment...

Published: May 22, 2024 by Stefani Wendel

With e-commerce booming and more transactions occurring online, the threat of chargeback fraud has never been more significant. In this article, we’ll explore chargeback...

Published: May 21, 2024 by Julie Lee

In the dynamic consumer credit landscape, understanding emerging trends is paramount for fintechs to thrive. Experian’s latest fintech trends report provides deep insights into...

Published: May 20, 2024 by Laura Davis

Where in the U.S. would you guess first-time homebuyers are having the most success securing a mortgage? The answer may surprise you. While over...

Published: May 16, 2024 by Scott Hamlin

Financial institutions are constantly searching for ways to engage their consumers while providing valuable services that keep them financially sound and satisfied. At the...

Published: May 16, 2024 by Brian Funicelli

The world of finance can be a dangerous place, where cunning schemes lurk in the shadows, ready to pounce on unsuspecting victims. In the...

Published: May 15, 2024 by Alex Lvoff

This series will dive into our monthly State of the Economy report, providing a snapshot of the top monthly economic and credit data for...

Published: May 1, 2024 by Josee Farmer

For auto dealerships, the roar of engines and the clink of deals used to be the only sounds associated with financial risk. But in...

Published: April 30, 2024 by Kelly Lawson

Open banking is revolutionizing the financial services industry by encouraging a shift from a closed model to one with greater transparency, competition, and innovation....

Published: April 25, 2024 by Laura Burrows

With wider model availability and technology continuing to develop, the electric vehicle (EV) market experienced shifting in 2023, most notably among the top five...

Published: April 23, 2024 by Kirsten Von Busch

In a financial world that’s increasingly connected and complex, monitoring transactions is not just good business practice — it’s a regulatory necessity. Anti-money laundering...

Published: April 18, 2024 by Julie Lee

Click here to watch our recent webinar on first-time homebuyers. The younger generations comprise nearly 70% of first-time homebuyers, according to recent Experian Mortgage...

Published: April 17, 2024 by Scott Hamlin

In the previous episode of “The Chrisman Commentary” podcast, Joy Mina, Director of Product Commercialization at Experian, talked about the benefits of a waterfall...

Published: April 16, 2024 by Ted Wentzel

For lenders, first payment default (FPD) is more than just financial jargon; it’s a crucial metric in assessing credit risk. This blog post will...

Published: April 10, 2024 by Theresa Nguyen

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