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Millions of Americans placed a credit freeze or restricted access to their credit file in recent months to keep identity thieves at bay. Credit...

Published: March 14, 2018 by Sacha Ricarte

Trended attributes and consumer lending Digging deeper into consumer credit data can help provide new insights into trending behavior, providing more than just point-in-time...

Published: March 9, 2018 by Guest Contributor

As the world celebrates International Women’s Day on March 8, we want to shine a light on a few of the female leaders who shape, inspire...

Published: March 9, 2018 by Kerry Rivera

As the world celebrates International Women’s Day on March 8, we want to shine a light on a few of the female leaders who shape, inspire...

Published: March 8, 2018 by Kerry Rivera

June 2018 will mark the one-year anniversary of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) release of Special Publication 800-63-3, Digital Identity Guidelines....

Published: March 7, 2018 by Keir Breitenfeld

In 2017, a meaningful jump in consumer sentiment bolstered spending, and caused the spread between disposable personal income and consumer spending to reach an...

Published: March 7, 2018 by Guest Contributor

As the world celebrates International Women’s Day on March 8, we want to shine a light on a few of the female leaders who shape,...

Published: March 7, 2018 by Kerry Rivera

There are lots of reasons why people miss a bill payment. Unfortunately, the approaches for collecting those late payments tend to follow a one-size-fits-all...

Published: March 6, 2018 by Andrew Beddoes

As the world celebrates International Women’s Day on March 8, we want to shine a light on a few of the female leaders who shape, inspire...

Published: March 6, 2018 by Kerry Rivera

I recently sat down with Kathleen Peters, SVP and Head of Fraud and Identity, to discuss the state of fraud and identity, the pace...

Published: March 5, 2018 by Traci Krepper

As the world celebrates International Women’s Day on March 8, we want to shine a light on a few of the female leaders who shape, inspire...

Published: March 5, 2018 by Kerry Rivera

The average number of retail trades per consumer has been trending down since 2007. But the average consumer retail debt is trending up, roughly...

Published: March 1, 2018 by Guest Contributor

“Who Moved My Cheese?” Perhaps you’ve heard of this popular book, released in 1998. If you haven’t, it’s a quick read and one that describes...

Published: March 1, 2018 by Paul Desaulniers

Traditional credit attributes provide immense value for lenders when making decisions, but when used alone, they are limited to capturing credit behavior during a...

Published: February 28, 2018 by Traci Krepper

Many data furnishers are experiencing increases in dispute rates. It’s a tough spot to be in. Data furnishers are not only obligated under the...

Published: February 27, 2018 by Shelly Shakespeare

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