
Risk models stand the test of time

Published: July 21, 2016 by Guest Contributor

As credit behavior and economic conditions continue to evolve, using a model that is validated regularly can give lenders greater confidence in the model’s performance. VantageScore Solutions, LLC validates all its models annually to promote transparency and support financial institutions with model governance.

The results of the most recent validation demonstrate the consistent ability of VantageScore® 3.0 to accurately score more than 30 million to 35 million consumers considered unscoreable by other models — including 9.5 million Hispanic and African-American consumers.

The findings reinforce the importance of using advanced credit scoring models to make more accurate decisions while providing consumers with access to fair and equitable credit.

>> VantageScore Annual Validation Results 2016

Vantage Score

VantageScore® is a registered trademark of VantageScore Solutions, LLC

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