
TRMA Spring Conference Recap

Published: April 16, 2011 by Guest Contributor

Time certainly does fly — I can’t believe it’s been more than a month since TRMA’s Spring Conference in Las Vegas! Those of us who participated from Experian Decision Analytics had a great time interacting with all the telecommunications risk management professionals who attended, and the feedback we received on our presentations was overwhelmingly positive.

Sharing our thoughts
We had the occasion to get together recently to compare notes about the conference, and wanted to share a few observations with you:

    • Attendees who participated in Jim Nowell’s SimTel business game were EXTREMELY engaged. (Click here to see photos!) A number of participants told Jim they’d like to have him run the game for their entire team back at the office.
    • Greg Carmean reported that there was a lot of interest focused on credit consortiums, especially concerning who is participating in them within the telecommunications space.
    • Linda Haran noted that attendees were curious about where jobs would be created (largely in the private sector) and where foreclosure activity would be the strongest (CA, AZ, NV and MI as expected, but increases have been observed in TX, WA, IL, GA and CO).
    • Jeff Bernstein found that unemployment remains a concern, though increasing consumer confidence and spending seem to be moving us toward a slow but steady recovery.
    • Collectability scores were also a big topic of interest. Attendees wanted to better understand whether these scores represent a consumer’s ability to pay or their propensity to pay.
    • Finally, regulatory requirements continue to be an area of concern, especially surrounding the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).

Share your thoughts!
If you attended TRMA’s Spring Conference, we’d love to hear from you. Please share your thoughts and impressions from the conference by commenting on this blog post. All of us at Experian look forward to seeing you at TRMA’s Summer Conference in San Francisco June 28 – 29, 2011.