
TrustInsight boosts online commerce revenue and loyalty with 150+ strong merchant network

Published: May 21, 2014 by Maria Scalone

Today, our TrustInsight division announced a major milestone at this year’s CNP Expo (CardNotPresent). TrustInsight provides reliable TrustScores for a significant portion of US digital consumers leveraging insights from150 of the top online retailers in the US. Now retailers, banks and credit card companies can confidently approve more legitimate CNP transactions.

As Surag Patel, vice president, global product management, put it, “We have been working with some of the largest online merchants to help them determine the trustworthiness of a customer during a transaction to help let more good transactions through. The result has been a sharp increase in top-line revenue that can be measured in the tens of millions of dollars.”

Patel is leading a panel discussion on Digital Consumer Trust at CNP Expo 2014 on Thursday, May 22 with experts from the merchant community and financial services industry. During the hour-long session, the expert panel will discuss primary research explaining the $40 billion in revenue lost each year to unwarranted CNP credit-card declines and what businesses can do to avoid it.

Read the full release here.