
Top Three Reasons to Vote for CrossCore for MRC People’s Choice Award winner

Published: February 9, 2018 by Traci Krepper

Experian® is honored to be an MRC Technology Award nominee. But we can’t win the MRC People’s Choice Award without your help! The annual MRC Technology Awards recognize the most elite solution providers making significant contributions in the fraud, payments and risk industries.

CrossCore® is the first smart, open, plug-and-play platform for fraud and identity services. We know, and our clients agree, that it delivers a better way to modify strategies quickly, catch fraud faster, improve compliance and enhance the customer experience.

Need further convincing? Here are the top 3 reasons you should vote for CrossCore.

Reason 1: common access

Manage your entire fraud and identity portfolio. Start immediately by turning on Experian services through a single integration. Connect to services quickly with a common, flexible API.

Reason 2: open approach

Control the data being used in decisions. CrossCore supports a best-in-class approach to managing a portfolio of services that work together in any combination — including Experian solutions, third-party services and client systems — delivering the level of confidence needed for each transaction.

Reason 3: workflow decisioning

Act quickly and adapt to new risks with built-in strategy design and workflow capabilities. You can precisely tailor strategies based on transaction type or risk threshold. Make changes dynamically, with no downtime.

We hope you’ll vote for CrossCore as a better way to manage fraud prevention and identity services.

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