
What Key Factors Impact a Business Credit Score?

Published: May 18, 2011 by Guest Contributor

While the majority of your customers may be consumers, most telecommunications companies also work with a number of business accounts. Understanding business credit scores — and what attributes have the most impact on them — can go a long way in helping you identify good customers as well as better manage risk.

The following article was originally posted by Peter Bolin on the Experian Business Credit blog.

There are a number of factors that impact business credit risk scores. Keep in mind that most risk models are built using multivariate statistical methods that not only look at each attribute, but also look for the interaction between the attributes. However, there are three general factors that will impact a business score.

Recency: How recently has the business been delinquent?
Events that have happened recently tend to be most predictive of business behavior in the near future. For example being days beyond credit terms (DBT) in the past 30, 60, and 90 days will tend to negatively impact, on average, a business’s credit score versus those that are current.

Frequency: How frequently is the business delinquent or applying for credit?
If a business has multiple beyond terms events then the algorithm will reflect this behavior and will tend to impact the score to the low side. In addition, if a business is frequently applying for credit (called inquires) then this will also negatively impact the score.

Monetary/Usage: How large is the debt burden?
Businesses that carry large balances in relation to credit limits tend to be more risky than those that carry lower balances in relation to credit limits. This is called the utilization ratio or balance-to-limit ratio. As the debt burden increases interest payments also grow placing more stress on cash flows. This tends to negatively impact a business’ risk score.

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