Spencer Kollas is a recognized industry leader in email deliverability and subscriber engagement. For more than a decade, Kollas has worked with the world’s foremost email marketers to help them connect with their customers and increase the return on investment (ROI) of their email marketing initiatives. As Vice President of Global Deliverability Services, Kollas is responsible for the product development and innovation road map of Experian Marketing Services’ email deliverability services in more than 30 countries around the world. He works directly with Experian Marketing Services’ clients to help them understand best practices around email delivery and how consumers in different regions worldwide approach and use the email marketing channel. He also works with Internet service providers to understand the way their filtering systems work in order to create valuable, strategic and tactical insights on how client messages can stay in their customers’ inboxes. Find Spencer on Twitter.

-- Spencer Kollas

All posts by Spencer Kollas


Marketing update! Spamhaus has listed a number of mailers in response to increased email bombing attacks over the last week targeting .gov...

Published: August 19, 2016 by Spencer Kollas

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