
Best digital audience strategies for 2023

Published: December 20, 2022 by Experian Marketing Services

2022 was a year of adjustment.Consumers adjusted to a post-pandemic world and returned to pre-pandemic shopping behaviors. Consumers adjusted their budgets as the price of goods skyrocketed, as a result of high inflation. To combat inflation, the U.S. Federal Reserve adjusted interest rates. This further restricted consumer buying power. The AdTech ecosystem also experienced adjustments. Google adjusted the date of cookie deprecation. Federal legislation forced technology companies to adjust their consumer privacy practices. Marketers and advertisers adjusted how they address interoperability issues by investing in clean room solutions. This year of adjustment makes it harder to predict where consumers will spend and how marketers should plan their digital audience strategies.

What will 2023 bring to AdTech? Download our 2023 AdTech trends and predictions report to access our forecast to help you plan for 2023. Our report will answer:

  • How has digital activation changed over the last four years?
  • What are the top advertising platforms?
  • Which digital audiences are advertisers buying?
  • Do digital audience strategies vary by vertical?

Our AdTech trends forecast

In 2023, digital activation will increase. Digital audience activation continues to grow at a significant rate despite market shocks like the pandemic, inflation, and higher interest rates.

Chart that shows the index of media buys from 2019-2022 to show how digital audience strategies have changed over the past four years.

Given the current economic uncertainty, we predict that marketers will look toward tried and true channels where they are confident they will have quality audiences, inventory, and be able to drive ROI.

What will digital activation look like in 2023?

Between 2018-2021, digital audience activation increased annually by 46%. Using projected 2022 results, between 2018-2022, it will increase annually by 34%. We anticipate continued growth in 2023.

Top advertising platforms in 2023

2023 will see increased digital activation, but which platforms will advertisers use to serve their ads?

  • Advertisers will shift their focus to demand-side, video, and supply-side platforms.
  • Social media platforms will continue to experience volatility.
  • Advertisers will place bigger bets on the combination of addressable and CTV.

Our report will also reveal which platforms are creating a path toward a post-cookie future and where data-sharing relationships will become the strongest.

The most popular advertiser audiences trending now in AdTech

Which digital audiences are advertisers buying?

  • Demographics
  • Modeled Lifestyles
  • Behavioral
  • Custom Audiences

Traditional targeting methods like Demographics and Modeled Lifestyles are the baseline of many marketing strategies. We predict that we will continue to see marketers activate against these data sets.

Digital audience strategies by vertical

Digital audience strategies vary by vertical. Download our report to uncover the digital audiences purchased by advertisers in the following industries:

  • Financial Services
  • Health
  • Retail & CPG
  • Technology & Communication

Download our new 2024 report

Our 2024 Digital audience trends and predictions report offers valuable insights to help you confidently develop marketing strategies that resonate with your audience and drive meaningful results. In our 2024 report, we dive into:

  • Changes in digital activation from 2021-2023
  • The top digital audiences
  • The most popular digital audiences by industry

Plus, our team of Experian experts will provide their insights, giving you a clearer picture of what’s to come in 2024.

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