The latest insights in customer preferences, needs and behaviors, and tips for turning that insight into actionable marketing decisions.
Now is the perfect time to begin planning back-to-school marketing campaigns. Follow these five simple tips and be on your way to back-to-school...
Highlights from the 2014 Hispanic Market Overview presented by López Negrete Communications focused on Hispanic consumers’ adoption and use of smartphones....
With the explosion of smartphones and digital tablets and the steady rise of Internet-connected televisions, gaming consoles, and more, consumers are increasingly watching online...
Device recognition will be yet another technology challenge for marketers but has the potential to overcome many key tracking, measurement and privacy issues with...
Social media Websites are playing an increasingly important role in driving traffic to other Websites at the expense of search engines and portal...
Whether a result of the sky rocketing costs of razor blades, the increasing popularity of Movember or a general trend among Hollywood’s leading men...
In a newly published predictions piece: “#7for14: Seven ways digital marketing will change in 2014” several of Experian Marketing Services’ leaders weigh in on...
Industry Canada releases its final regulations under Canada’s Anti-Spam Law, simultaneously announcing that CASL will come into force on July 1, 2014. Final regulations...
Watch our video chat with John Fetto as he shares insights from the Deal Seekers...