
Chartable increases attribution rates with Tapad Graph

Published: July 22, 2020 by Experian Marketing Services

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Chartable leverages The Tapad Graph to improve cross-device attribution rates and remove non-addressable IPs for clients.


  1. Chartable needs to differentiate between consumer and potential business IP addresses to provide accurate household modeling and reduce excess data for their customers.
  2. Podcasting generally only has access to IP addresses as a form of digital ID which limits its ability to connect activity to individuals and extend it across all devices.

The Tapad + Experian solution 

Using Tapad, now a part of Experian, Chartable is able to cut through the noise of IP data and discard any addresses deemed a shared IP or business. Then, Tapad + Experian connects individual users to their other digital IDs and users in their household; creating a richer attribution model for Chartable customers.

Increase in podcast attribution rates

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Get started with The Tapad Graph

For personalized consultation on the value and benefits of The Tapad Graph for your business, email Sales@tapad.com today! 

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