
Tapad, a part of Experian, and Conversion Logic provide a better understanding of customer journey

Published: July 16, 2016 by Catherine Leonard, Experian Marketing Services

Combined technology gives marketers an enhanced view of the customer for improved planning, targeting and optimization

NEW YORK, July 12, 2016/PR Newswire/ -Tapad, the leader in cross-device marketing technology and now a part of Experian, today announced a partnership with Conversion Logic, the martech industry’s most accurate unified marketing attribution provider. Conversion Logic will incorporate unified cross-screen data from Tapad’s Device Graphâ„¢ to identify related devices and media exposures to enhance reporting on the path to conversion.

By connecting Conversion Logic’s proprietaryEnsemble Method, which combines numerous state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms, tuned for each customer use-case for the most accurate results, with Tapad’s unified, cross-device technology, marketers will benefit from a highly scientific approach to assessing advertising effectiveness with full, comprehensive customer insights. Linking these technologies will increase marketers’ real-time ability to optimize brands’ marketing channel spend and creative at a more granular level.

During the past six months, Tapad has rapidly grown its data business, doubling the number of companies integrating the Device Graphâ„¢ into their platforms and growing the annualized revenue run rate by 210%. Tapad’s highly scalable, cross-device data has been confirmed by Nielsen to be very precise.

Tapad augments platforms’ and publishers’ tech stacks with additional scale and relevancy, granting advertisers amplified targeting and analysis options. The growth of the Device GraphTM has allowed Tapad to provide a growing network that benefits all partners with more efficient, effective consumer engagement.

“Combining highly accurate data from Tapad with our own user ID technology and understanding how devices may be related at an individual level provides additional visibility into the path to conversion,” said Alison Lohse, COO and co-founder of Conversion Logic. “The more we know about the customer journey, the more effective, efficient and customized marketers can be with marketing efforts. With Tapad, we have achieved a unified customer view that helps us piece together the purchase journey while preserving proven accuracy.”

“Conversion Logic’s Ensemble Method delivers singularly customized and precise results that are not just accurate, but actionable,” said Dave Fall, COO of Tapad. “The combination of powerful technology and a user-friendly interface, plus Tapad’s ability to only consider relevant and scalable components in the marketplace, creates a more concentrated and beneficial environment for both its partners and clients.”

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