
Tapad, part of Experian, introduces new cross-device optimization metric, viewable exposure time (VET)

Published: September 28, 2016 by Experian Marketing Services

NEW YORK, Sept. 28, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — Tapad, the leader in cross-device marketing technology, today announced a new metric for cross-device marketers, Viewable Exposure Time (VET). Viewable Exposure Time measures across screens and ad formats, identifying the optimal amount of time a consumer spends with an ad before they take action. The announcement coincides with Unify Tech ’16, Tapad’s third-annual cross-device summit during Advertising Week NY.

Frequency caps are currently used to ensure that dollars aren’t wasted on redundant ads. Viewable Exposure Time evolves the frequency capping approach to include accelerating a consumer’s ad exposure rate up to the optimal time spent with the brand. VET is used in affinity, digital transaction and offline purchase models as a key indicator of marketing budget well-spent. Beta users of VET span every vertical, though interest is especially high from CPG, Automotive, Telecommunications and Retail.

Viewable Exposure Time unifies and upgrades marketers’ predictors of advertising success by leveraging cross-screen engagement across digital and television, with vendor-agnostic viewability scores for video, rich media and display.

“Today’s current measurement options, like click-through rate (CTR) and TV gross ratings points (GRP) tell an incomplete story,” said Tapad GM of Media Kate O’Loughlin. “Tapad is focused on measuring what really matters to marketers – building an efficient connection with a customer. Innovation in metrics was long overdue.”

More than just a measurement tool, Tapad also provides clients with VET activation. Factoring in time spent with ads in viewable seconds and minutes, these analytics inform marketers about which audiences are underexposed, enabling them to adjust campaigns and deliver according to optimal viewable exposure time. This effectively increases conversion rates at the lowest cost.

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