
Empowering Small Businesses Locally and Around the World

Published: March 19, 2015 by Laura DeSoto

For more than 40 years, Orange County has been the home of Experian’s North American headquarters. We have strong roots here. And as part of that, Experian and our employees work and volunteer with organizations around the community to help make the OC a better place to live.

As a long-time Experian employee and Orange County resident, I am proud to represent a critically important organization to our community: the Orange County Business Council (OCBC). And as 2015 Chair of OCBC, I thought it was a good time to discuss not only the mission of OCBC, but more importantly, how it relates to what we do at Experian.

OCBC’s mission is to advance business and enhance the quality of life for all Orange County residents. As an organization, Experian is committed to assisting businesses around the world understand and harness the power of data and insights to positively move the economy forward. ­ In short, helping businesses grow.

One of the goals of Experian’s Business Information Services unit, for which I lead marketing, is to provide information that help business owners manage their credit, enabling them to take action and obtain funding that will increase cash flow and uncover growth opportunities.

The business unit works with organizations such as the Small Business Administration (SBA) and the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) to reach entrepreneurs and sole proprietorships to deliver tools and educational resources that help them better understand the credit landscape and position their business for future success.

This is yet a small example of what Experian does and how it correlates to OCBC, and my mission in chairing this important organization.

Ultimately, businesses, both large and small, are what drive our economy forward, and we believe the work OCBC does to help businesses is of the utmost importance. Whether in Orange County or around the world, advancing business and enhancing the quality of life for consumers are goals we can all get behind.

As Walt Disney would say, “it is a small world after all.”

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