
Let’s Address the Elephant in the Room – Addressable Advertising

Published: January 19, 2017 by Jordan Takeyama

Watching TV

Consumers are frequently bombarded with generic marketing messages that have no relevance to their interests or shopping behaviors. And quite frankly, many of these messages go by the wayside. Consumers are constantly on the go, and expect and deserve highly personalized communications. But how do marketers adapt to this new reality?

The answer is simple. Marketers need to go addressable. Unfortunately, too many marketers view this approach as too sophisticated or difficult. But the technology and expertise exists to help marketers achieve this goal.

In this MarTech Advisor article, Brienna Pinnow, director of product marketer for Experian Targeting discusses the nuances of addressable advertising, and how marketers can leverage it to its fullest capabilities.  The end result is more customized marketing and a better customer experience.

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