
Using All Machine Learning Has to Offer So Your Customer Decisions Matter Over Time

Published: October 25, 2018 by Editor

We recently participated in Finovate Fall, where we joined top fintechs and financial institutions from around the world to debate about the current state of the financial services industry and more importantly, its future. A future where the so-called ‘experience economy’ will unfold and those putting the customer at the center of their innovation will thrive. But, how to get there and remain relevant in an ever-challenging environment?

Committing to a culture of technology and innovation that transforms interactions between businesses and consumers is the first step. Take financial institutions and fintechs, for example. Despite their different approaches to what it takes to serve their customers better, both traditional and non-traditional industry players agree that technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning play a pivotal role in their respective digital transformation strategies. But with the change comes the challenge: most of organizations recognize they still struggle to fully operationalize the output of their advanced predictive analytics.

To be true to our own commitment to technology and innovation and help businesses execute machine learning models within their decision processes, we have launched a new release of our flagship decisioning platform. The latest PowerCurve release integrates machine learning to deliver a faster and better analysis of data. These actionable insights will help our clients identify the opportunities presented by each of their customers quicker and more easily.

Leveraging today’s technology to sustain tomorrow’s growth

We believe that enabling businesses to leverage their current technology investments to support future growth is key to ensure they get the full benefit of their commitment to innovation. The latest PowerCurve capabilities allow custom plug-ins to be added at any time to support the next generation of technology and decision-making strategies while ensuring consistent, precise and personalized experiences that satisfy consumers’ demands over time. This enhanced flexibility means that businesses can get value of their current data and technology investments today and keep at pace with the latest and most effective decision management strategies across the entire customer life cycle.

In addition, PowerCurve will continue to satisfy compliance requirements and provide the necessary governance and explainability that is essential in today’s market.

With the updates to our decisioning platform and incorporation of machine learning capabilities, businesses will be able to make the right decisions today, resting reassured that those decisions will remain precise and relevant in the future.

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