
Never forgotten: Experian sponsors Games of Remembrance 2018

Published: October 30, 2018 by Editor

The following is written by Jan Barratt, Experian.

We owe everything to the millions who lost their lives in the Great War, fighting for our freedom.  Without their sacrifice, the world we know would be a very different place.

This November marks a whole century since the guns finally fell silent on WW1. It’s only fitting we use this landmark anniversary to remember and celebrate everything they did for us. The Games of Remembrance 2018 is an opportunity to do exactly that.

Inspired by a generation’s love of football and its ability to unify, The Games of Remembrance harnesses the power of the beautiful game to remind us all of the immense bravery and sacrifice of millions.  We’re proud to sponsor the Games and to play a small part in helping those memories live on and to commemorate the people who lost their lives in the conflict.

Furthermore, we’re thrilled that this year’s celebration comes to Nottingham, a place where Sir John Peace, Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Nottinghamshire, and the late Eric Barnes built up Experian from its roots almost 50 years ago. Today, we employ more than 2,000 people across the East Midlands region.

We’re proud to be sponsoring the Games of Remembrance, and we are proud to be part of the Nottingham community.

We remember.

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