
Helping to Shape a Better Tomorrow

Published: June 21, 2019 by Abigail Lovell

At Experian, we believe that the power of data can be used in everyday life to help consumers worldwide. And we deliver against that mission every day. As the amount of data in the world continues to grow exponentially, the opportunity to harness the power of that information to improve the lives of people around the world grows with it.

Experian is uniquely placed to fulfill that mission – we are empowering both individuals and businesses around the globe by putting them in control of their data, and their futures.

Our latest Corporate Responsibility Report highlights the very real, tangible impact our company has achieved, enabling more than 20 million people to access credit and other essential services.

Through our core products and services – and the introduction of new alternative data sources such as utility and rental data – Experian is adding value to societies around the world, increasing choice, transparency, and competitiveness in economies, and improving financial inclusion, helping those access mainstream financial products, who have previously been unable to.

In South Africa, we launched The GeleZAR app. Developed through our social innovation programme, the app uses mobile data to enable unbanked people to improve their credit profile, helping them to access they credit they need to build their businesses and achieve their goals.
In Brazil, we’re reaching those living in some of the remote parts of the vast country who don’t have access to our online services.

Our Serasa Itinerant truck and boat reached more than 100,000 in 44 countries in its first year, helping consumers to view their credit scores for the very first time and learn how to manage their file, build their history and manage their debts successfully.

In the USA, we introduced what we believe is a significant game changer to the way millions manage their finances. Experian Boost allows people, for the very first time, to add positive payment history directly to their file to improve their score. Since launch in March, more than 600,000 customers have boosted their score, taking control of their data in a way that has never been done before.

We’re at the forefront of the battle against identity fraud. Our fraud prevention and data capabilities help both clients and consumers keep their data safe. A new service in the USA helps parents protect their children from identity theft and we’re helping older people in the UK to recognise and tackle fraud.

Our roots are in providing credit information and assessing lending risks. But we are much more than that. We are creating new opportunities by connecting businesses and consumers in new ways – and exploring how data can be used to tackle societal challenges around the globe. In doing so Experian is supporting businesses grow, people prosper and communities thrive, and helping shape a better tomorrow.

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