
Experian wishes you a Happy Lunar New Year

Published: February 11, 2020 by Editor

Dacy Yee and Jimmy Cheung in traditional wear at Experian's Lunar New Year celebrationAs part of the company’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, Experian is celebrating Lunar New Year. This article is by executive co-sponsors of Experian’s Asian American Employee Resource Group (ERG): Dacy Yee, Chief Customer Officer and Jimmy Cheung, SVP of Information Security and Compliance.

Lunar New Year, also known as Chinese New Year or Spring Festival, is celebrated in various Asian countries such as China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Korea, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines and others. For some cultures, it’s a 15-day long celebration filled with symbols and traditions that have different meanings.

2020 is the Year of the Rat, which is the first of all the zodiac animals. The Rat is seen as a sign of wealth and surplus in Chinese culture, and those born on the Year of the Rat are optimistic, energetic and likable by all! See the table below to determine your zodiac animal.

Chinese zodiac table detailing what years are what animals

In our families, the preparation for the Lunar New Year celebration starts a week before the New Year day. We clean the house thoroughly to remove any bad luck from the preceding year and decorate the interior with red objects—a color often associated with good fortune, wealth and longevity in the Chinese culture. Back when we were young, our parents would buy us new outfits to make sure that we looked presentable when visiting friends and families, and would also allow us unlimited access to sweets and treats, as it symbolized a sweet year ahead.

The holiday has always been about more than just the coming of a new year. Lunar New Year meant spending time with loved ones, indulging in a delicious Asian feast, and partaking in age-old traditions that gave us a sense of pride and adoration for our culture. These are just some of the things that make the holiday so special to us (that, and receiving hong baos—red envelopes with money—from our elders). This year, our Asian American ERG worked hard to put on an outstanding Lunar New Year; it’s our group’s largest annual event! Experian enjoyed a diverse cultural showcase of seven different countries, a Chinese sleeve dance, Tinikling (Filipino stick dance), a Taiwanese aboriginal dance, a catered lunch and more.

We are also proud to announce we partnered with the Center for the Pacific Asian Family (CPAF) and hosted a donation drive to assist in their commitment to ending domestic and sexual violence in Asian Pacific Islander (API) communities. Many of us started the Lunar New Year on a positive note, and we want to ensure that’s true for those in need as well

As always, we are so grateful to Experian for providing an environment where we are not only allowed but encouraged to bring our whole selves to work every day. Through various events hosted at Experian campuses across the country, we were able to impact 1,500 employees and expose them to the wonderful cultures of Asia. It is an honor to be able to share this part of our lives with our colleagues and show them how beautiful and rich various Asian cultures are.

We look forward to a healthy and prosperous new year.


Gong Hay Fat Choy!

Jimmy Cheung
Co-Executive Sponsor
Asian American Employee Resource Group
Dacy Yee
Co-Executive Sponsor
Asian American Employee Resource Group

Photos taken by Nhan T. Nguyen.

Experian's Asian American ERG in traditional clothing, posing together with Year of the Rat mascot

Dancers perform the Filipino folk dance, Tinikling A dancer performs the Chinese sleeve dance

Dancers perform Taiwanese aboriginal dance

Chinese calligraphy station Calligraphy

Korean Hanbok station

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