
Experian becomes member of FDATA

Published: June 8, 2020 by Editor

Experian, the global information services company, has agreed to join FDATA in support of its Open Banking initiatives around the world. 

The commitment includes membership in the UK, US, and EMEA. It reflects Experian’s strategy for rolling out Open Banking services across its global footprint that includes South America, South East Asia including Australia and South Africa.  

Access to Open Banking will complement the organisation’s network of credit bureaux, identity verification, and automated decision services that it already provides to consumers and businesses. Open Banking enables Experian to provide additional insight into consumers’ and businesses’ financial wellbeing. 

Lisa Fretwell, Managing Director of Data Services at Experian, said: “Joining FDATA helps us to exchange knowledge, thought leadership, and drive innovation at a time when we are increasing our strategic commitment and investment plans for Open Banking. This will also include the UK’s Open Finance initiative.” 

Experian helps consumers and businesses to engage with and understand their finance through combining its bureau data with insights generated from Open Banking.  

Its consumer services business engages with more than 7 million consumers in the UK and more than 30 million in the U.S, empowering people to manage their money and access services at the best available rates. Meanwhile, Experian also works with a range of businesses – from financial services to utilities, and insurance to the public sector – so is well placed to drive successful Open Banking initiatives. 

Working with FDATA and its members will further improve Experian’s prospects of encouraging governments and regulators to commit to delivering the highest possible standards in Open Banking.  

“Our membership will help us gain insights into policy issues that affect Open Banking and drive initiatives so consumers and businesses can gain greater access to fair and affordable credit,” said Paul Haddon, Vice President of Governance & Strategic Initiatives. ”Our launch of adding consumer-permissioned data to Experian credit reports called Experian Boost is a great example of how we are innovating and improving financial access for millions of people.” 

Launched in 2019, Experian Boost allows consumers to add positive payment history for telecommunications and utility bills to their Experian credit reports, which can possibly increase their credit scores instantly.  

Gavin Littlejohn, FDATA Global Chair, added, “FDATA is delighted at Experian’s decision to broaden the scope of their membership, a strategy that aligns a significant global footprint with FDATA’s ongoing expansion and engagement in multiple markets. A first step in the journey towards Open Finance, Open Banking is undergoing international proliferation. FDATA shapes and influences this dialogue at the earliest possible stages for the good of the consumer and the health of the ecosystem, providing invaluable insights from across market landscapes with regard to delivery and holding markets accountable for ongoing performance. These efforts rest on the pillars of rich, living repositories of comprehensive research, white papers and opinion pieces and, a proven history of successful lobbying and intervention on behalf of the membership. 

The addition of Experian’s voice to the FDATA membership extends the collaborative capability of the combined membership, enhancing the synergy between the members themselves. The unprecedented economic crisis brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic has seen a surge of innovative responses from the Fintech community throughout the global ecosystem. FDATA is uniquely placed to facilitate these conversations between industry, governments, and regulators, encouraging the potential of products and services to yield the best possible outcomes for SMEs and populations as a whole.” 


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