
Maximizing Your Marketing Data: Finding the Right Partner

Published: September 21, 2020 by Klaudette Christensen

In the midst of COVID-19, we’ve seen the digital transformation accelerate at a rapid pace—and it’s likely to continue in the months and years ahead. According to McKinsey & Company’s COVID-19 Consumer Pulse survey, most business types have seen more than 10 percent growth in their online customer base during the pandemic and many consumers plan to continue shopping online when store locations reopen. While the shift to digital began well before COVID-19, what does the sudden spike mean for marketers?  

In short, it means digital campaigns have become mission critical—and subsequently, data has become more important than ever. People are more than just their interactions with your brand. They consume information and engage other brands from multiple devices and channels, resulting in hundreds of digital touchpoints. You need to use data to connect these touchpoints to better understand your audiences’ needs, inform your messaging, optimize digital campaigns, and most importantly, build and establish a human connection.  

Businesses have troves and troves of data, but oftentimes struggle to generate insights. You need to find the right partner to help manage the data and unlock its potential. To help, Forrester recently released its Now Tech: Consumer Data Marketing Services, Q3 2020 report that provides an overview of 22 consumer data marketing providers that can help you leverage your first-party data and create a more comprehensive view of customers and prospects—Experian is proud to be included in the list.  

Finding the right partner is important; you have to remember data is a privilege and you need a partner that can help you provide value to your customers—otherwise, trust can quickly erode. And without trust, data and your marketing campaigns become obsolete. Identify what matters most to you.  

  1. Do you need to enrich your current database? Build look-a-like audiences? 
  1. Do you need to connect digital and offline identities? 
  1. Do you need to activate your data? 

With a strong foundation in data and identity resolution, Experian is committed to helping you learn more about your customers and help them navigate their unique circumstances. Experian’s ConsumerViewSM database includes attributes on more than 300 million consumers and 126 million households, including demographic data, purchasing behavior, and lifestyle information. In addition, our MarketingConnectSM platform eliminates the need for disparate solutions and enables marketers to access and manage offline and online customer identity attributes, such as MAIDs and IPs.  

Now, more than ever, consumers want to be heard. You need a data-driven strategy to meet that expectation. The right partner can help you expand what you already know about your customers and allow you to communicate with them effectively and address their most pressing needs.  

Learn more about how Experian can help you maximize the potential of your data 

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