
Experian Partners with Women in Data for WiD Week 2020

Published: November 23, 2020 by Editor

2020 has been a year that has significantly impacted us all and the shockwaves are likely to challenge us for some time to come.

One of the big disappointments for the data and tech industry is the postponement or cancellation of a number of major events – including the likes of Women in Data, which Experian was a proud Gold sponsor in 2019.

Although we are not able to celebrate the Women in Data flagship event in person this year, we are thrilled to be an official partner of the very first  WiD Week.

This is a fantastic opportunity that will allow us to virtually gather together, support each other, and learn while in a safe online environment, driven by content that the Women in Data community needs right now.

We are particularly excited to be hosting a session on Tuesday 24 November, which will focus on our support of Girls in Data.

In this session, Experian’s Emily Capewell and Louise Maynard-Atem will be providing some thoughts on their involvement with the recent data challenge we hosted during the last lockdown. The data challenge was designed to help inspire young girls and boys to pursue a career in STEM.

Louise will also be speaking on Thursday about her experience of 2020 and how we can action change as we head into 2021. This will be one of six short stories to mark Women in Data’s sixth birthday.

We are extremely excited to be involved with WiD Week and while it will be slightly different this year, we hope our involvement can help empower and encourage more women into the data industry, supporting the next generation of data scientists who can help shape the future.

You can find out more about WiD Week here.

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