
Experian Selected as a Leading Provider of Fraud Detection and Prevention

Published: July 13, 2021 by David Britton

Women at home during pandemic isolation using mobile phone

The use of digital payments continues to trend upwards. While the pandemic pushed consumers online quickly out of necessity, it has since become a preference due to the convenience factor. As businesses transform their operations to accommodate this rapidly growing volume of digital transactions, they must factor in the additional vulnerability caused for online fraud and identity theft. At Experian we are committed to helping our clients improve the customer experience, while at the same time protecting consumer identities and information. Experian was recently acknowledged in Juniper Research’s Online Payment Fraud Deep Dive Strategy & Competition 2021-2025 as an established leader in fraud detection and prevention.

Juniper Research, one of the leading global analyst firms in the mobile and digital technology sector, scored Experian high for their marketing & branding strength, service range & features, financial performance in the sector, experience in the sector, operations & global reach, partnerships, creativity & innovation, and future business prospects.

View infographic with key fraud trends

According to Juniper Research, “Experian continues to invest into its fraud detection and prevention solution and uses its vast array of customer data to deliver an effective set of solutions across the entire consumer journey, from onboarding, through account management/account takeover and transaction risk mitigation.” The reports highlights Experian CrossCore platform noting, “Experian leverages a combination of proprietary solutions and partner capabilities and data – integrated into its CrossCore platform – where it leverages a robust machine learning approach that takes into account these dynamic sources of data.”

All of Experian’s fraud detection and prevention services are available through Experian’s CrossCore partner ecosystem, which combines advanced analytics, rich data assets, identity insights and fraud prevention capabilities. Businesses using the Experian CrossCore partner ecosystem can connect any new or existing tools and systems in one place to quickly adjust strategies based on evolving threats and business needs, which helps to improve efficiency and reduce operational costs. Learn more about the CrossCore platform here.

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