
Outlining Experian’s Commitment to Financial Health

Published: June 10, 2022 by Lloyd Pitchford

Experian is a company built on purpose. Every day we help people make the most of their data to improve their financial lives. This is what drives us and you can read more about our progress in our inaugural Improving Financial Health report.

It is our social mission to improve financial inclusion, because fair and affordable access to credit enhances opportunities in life. While we are proud of our achievements this year, we know there is more to do.

Over a third of the global adult population still lack access to basic financial services, while one billion people don’t have official proof of identity. 1.7 billion people are also completely ‘unbanked’ and risk being overlooked by the entire global financial services system.

And this problem exists everywhere. More than 63 million people in Brazil have unmanageable debts that are affecting their credit rating. Whereas in the US, 28 million consumers are ‘credit invisible’ and an additional 21 million consumers have “unscorable” credit files, meaning they have what’s considered a thin credit file or limited credit history.

Much of this comes down to provision of appropriate education and knowledge around good financial management, alongside the tools and products that can empower people in gaining access to fair, affordable credit.

Through our community investment programme, we have provided vital support to communities, which was reflected by our colleagues volunteering nearly 25,000 hours of their time over the last year. This is in addition to an investment of US$15.9m in programmes that support our communities, including enhancing financial literacy with partners in Brazil, the USA and the UK & Ireland.

Examples here include financial literacy support for microentrepreneurs through Sebrae in Brazil, Words That Count with the National Literacy Trust and Number Confidence Week with National Numeracy in the UK, alongside partnerships in the USA with the National Urban League, Operation Hope and Saver Life which aim to empower Black Americans through financial education.

In addition, our social innovation products reached over 21 million people this year, offering innovative ways to verify identity and to strengthen credit profiles. It is our aim to help everyone have fair access to finance, no one should miss out on the opportunities which can transform lives.

As the current inflationary environment adds extra pressure on households around the world, we recognise the significance of the role we can play to help ensure people can get through this period of financial pressure. Our new report outlines the progress we have made and restates our commitment to helping everyone improve their financial health in the future.

Please read more in the Improving Financial Health Report.

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