
Responding to the UK Government Response to the Future Data Strategy Consultation

Published: June 17, 2022 by Brian Cassin

We welcome this week’s response by the UK Government in relation to its work on the new UK Data Strategy, and the commitment to creating a new UK Data Act. 

Innovative data use has a crucial role to play as Britain takes its place on the global stage. Data has the ability to change people’s lives for the better. It can help build a stronger, smarter future, whether that is through existing products and services or by enabling new and innovative solutions to the problems people and society face today. We share the Government’s goal of using data to deliver better outcomes for people across the UK, and to supercharge its economic success. 

Already today we see data doing great good in the world: it is enabling the deployment of resources from charities and Government where they are most needed; reducing the number of credit-invisible people and combatting loan sharks; preventing fraud and supporting those who fall victim to fraudsters; and delivering unique new insights that set creators and entrepreneurs on the path to their next success. Data played a transformative, positive role in people’s lives during the pandemic, and has the potential to do so much more as we look to the future. 

It is crucial that data is used and managed within a trusted, privacy centric framework, and that we as industry and Government together continue to educate and empower people to understand how their data is used, and to be confident in its security. Properly-consented, properly-secured data can empower people; it can support the vulnerable; it can help expand and accelerate our economy. 

We have the talent, the drive and the ambition in Britain to do all of these things. The new framework sets a foundation to enable and empower, making Britain a desirable hub for investment; a great place to work and build a career; an ideal place to begin new ventures or find funding for existing ones. With the right foundations in place, the opportunity ahead will be limited only by our imaginations.

For all of these reasons, Experian welcomes the Government’s goal of making this leap forward for the UK, and we look forward to seeing the detail of the new Data Act as it is released in the coming months. 

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