
Continuing Our Code First Girls Partnership in the UK

Published: July 15, 2022 by Richard Donovan

Woman sitting at desk, using computer and writing in notebook

Back in October 2021, we announced our partnership with Code First Girls, who teach women to code for free and develops female talent in tech. We have shared their journey where four female students worked as paid interns with Experian while studying for their Code First Girls’ Nanodegree for the last nine months.

My colleagues in the UK will be continuing the partnership with Code First Girls this year. As part of the partnership, Experian will be sponsoring four courses in Python and Data, and our employees are volunteering to co-lead these courses. Experian will also be sponsoring 10 Code First Girls’ Nanodegrees, with the aim of hiring these 10 graduates via our Software Engineering graduate programme in the UK.

The four interns who recently completed their internships with us came from diverse backgrounds and introduced fresh perspectives. They’ve helped to drive our financial inclusion agenda by working on our United for Financial Health programme in South Africa and Italy, amongst other innovative projects.

Watch the videos where our interns talked about their internship experience:

Nicole Ngina, born, raised and currently in Kenya, and a recent diploma graduate of Strathmore University where she studied Business Information Technology.

Betty Abate, originally from Ethiopia but grew up in the UK.

Chelsi Goliath, a Computer Science student from South Africa.

Kamile Sudziute, originally from Lithuania, but studied in London, where she just graduated from King’s College London with a degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics.

We are committed to developing women in tech and I’m pleased to welcome more talented young women to start their careers in tech with us. This year’s extension of our partnership with Code First Girls enables us to create a better tomorrow for more women to kickstart their careers in tech.

Stay tuned for more updates on our journey with Code First Girls by following us on FacebookInstagramLinkedIn and Twitter.

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