In the chronicles of business evolution, one often recalls Amazon’s humble beginnings as an online book seller before transforming into the e-commerce giant we know today.
Reminiscent of that journey, Experian has undergone its own transformation. It has long since ceased to be simply a “credit bureau” and has instead embraced a story that is far more dynamic and which defies this caricature.
The Real Experian: When people associate Experian with being a credit bureau, our response is a resounding, “Yes, but that is only a part of our story.” It is the beginning chapter—as data evolved to ‘Big Data’, we layered in technology to understand that data, catapulting our company into a different realm. Today, Experian is a global force with a presence in over 30 countries, boasting a team of 22,000 professionals dedicated to harnessing the power of data and analytics for the betterment of businesses, societies, and consumers worldwide.
Embracing Data and Analytics: At the core of our story lies a commitment to embrace data and analytics in a way that only Experian can. We collaborate across our operations to deploy advanced technologies, artificial intelligence, and to tap into rich data. The result? A powerful impact on businesses, societies, and consumers alike.
Only Experian can: We are proud to share our story of how we power opportunities in a way that only Experian can. Experian leaders worldwide provide a glimpse into what sets Experian apart in the modern landscape of advanced technologies and powerful analytics. You can read the 5-minute story here.
Continual Evolution: Experian’s evolution from the world’s leading credit bureau to a global data and analytics powerhouse is an ongoing journey. Our vision propels us forward, driving us to continually redefine our role in an ever-changing landscape.
As Experian continues to evolve, our commitment to making a powerful difference remains unwavering. Our story is one of transformation, innovation, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. Join us on this journey, as we redefine what it means to be a global leader in data and analytics.