Financial Literacy: Ways to Raise Money-Smart Kids #CreditChat

Join our #CreditChat on Periscope, YouTube Live, and Twitter on Wednesday, September 19th, at 3 p.m ET. This week, we’re discussing important financial topics to discuss with Gen Z.

Topic: Kids and Money: Best Financial Tips for Gen Z

When: September 19, 2018 at 3 p.m. ET. 

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The panel will include: John Lanza @TheMoneyMammals, Deborah Sawyerr @SawyerrsHouse, Mark DiPippa @TheCentsables, Kimberly Palmer, Irina Vasilescu @DontPayFull, Dan Britton @Financial_Tales, Yanely Espinal @NextGenPF, Tanya Van Court @GoalSetterCo, Christina Merhar @RaisingSavers, Rod Griffin @Rod_Griffin and Mike Delgado.

Questions We’ll Discuss:

  • Q1: When should parents start talking to kids about money?
  • Q2: How can parents make money topics relatable for kids?
  • Q3: What money values are best to impart to kids?
  • Q4: What financial goals should parents set with their kids?
  • Q5: Should parents limit how much of their financial situation they share with their kids?
  • Q6: How can parents adjust the money lessons and conversations as kids get older?
  • Q7: What kind of financial conversations should parents have with teens?
  • Q8: How should parents respond when kids make financial mistakes?
  • Q9: How can kids/teens be proactive about learning about finances?
  • Q10: What financial learning resources are available for kids and teens?
  • Q11: What is one final piece of advice you would like to share with Gen Z?

The video will stream here:

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