Financial Planning for Millennials

Join our #CreditChat on Twitter and YouTube every Wednesday at 3 p.m. ET.

This week, we discussed financial literacy and planning for millennials. The panel included:  Douglas A. Boneparth– CFP Board Ambassador and Vice President at Life and Wealth Planning, Brad Sherman– Investment Advisory Rep, Wealth Manager – LFS Corp and President of Sherman Wealth Management, Kelby Green– Financial Services Veteran and ‘Chief Frugality Officer’ at, Rod Griffin– Director of Public Education at Experian, and Mike Delgado– Social Media Community Manager at Experian. 

If you have ideas for future topics and guests, please tweet @MikeDelgado.

Questions We Discussed:

  • Q1: What financial struggles do millennials face?
  • Q2: What should millennials know about budgeting?
  • Q3: What should millennials know about debt?
  • Q4: What should millennials know about credit?
  • Q5: How can millennials be smart with their student loans?
  • Q6: How can millennials start saving for retirement?
  • Q7: What goals should millennials set to help them be financially successful?
  • Q8: What should millennials know about investing?
  • Q9: Where can millennials go to learn more about money and finances?
  • Q10: What’s your number one financial tip for millennials?

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