Join our #CreditChat on Periscope, YouTube Live and Twitter on Wednesday, October 17th, at 3 p.m ET. This week, we’re supporting the American Bankers Association’s Get Smart About Credit initiative with an educational chat about credit aimed at kids and teens.
Topic: Get Smart About Credit: Credit 101 for Kids and Teens
When: October 17, 2018 at 3 p.m. ET.
Easy ways to chat with us on Twitter: Tchat
The panel will include: Rod Griffin: Director of Public Education at Experian.
Q1: Why is it important to talk to kids about credit?
Q2: What are important credit concepts kids need to learn about?
Q3: What are some practical ways to incorporate credit education into daily life?
Q4: How can we teach kids ways to avoid debt? And repayment strategies?
Q5: What lessons should parents teach their kids about credit cards?
Q6: How can parents teach kids about the importance of improving credit scores?
Q7: How should these financial conversations evolve as kids get older?
Q8: How can parents turn credit mistakes into teachable moments?
Q9: How can parents who are trying to improve their credit teach their kids?
Q10: What is the best/most influential financial lesson you learned as a child?
Q11: Any final tips to help parents teach kids about credit?