Going for Gold: Managing Your Finances Like an Olympian

Our weekly #CreditChat started in 2012 to help our community learn about credit and important personal finance topics (e.g. saving money, paying down debt, improving credit scores). Each chat is hosted by@Experianon X (formerly Twitter) and all are welcome to participate. DM us any questions.

Join us on July 24 for an Olympics-themed #CreditChat! We’ll dive into winning financial strategies that can help you achieve your gold medal goals. From budgeting like an athlete to building financial endurance, get tips that can take your finances to the podium. Don’t miss out on this champion-level chat!

Topic: Going for Gold: Managing Your Finances Like an Olympian

When: Wednesday, July 24, 2024 at 3 p.m. ET.

Where: Join thelive hashtag discussion

The panel will include: Todd Christensen: AFCPE®Accredited Financial Counselor®, Author of Everyday Money for Everyday People, and Education Manager at MoneyFit.org;  Lawrence Sprung: CFP® and Author of Financial Planning Made Personal; Beverly Harzog: Credit Card Expert, Bestselling Author, columnist and podcast host at BeverlyHarzog.com; Erika Giovanetti: Loans Expert and Reporter for U.S. News;  Anthony Weaver: Founder of AboutThatWallet.com; Rod Griffin: Senior Director, Consumer Education and Advocacy, Experian; Jennifer White: Consumer Education and Advocacy Team, and Christina Roman: Consumer Education and Advocacy Manager at Experian.

Gift Card Giveaway

Enter here for a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card We will be announcing a winner at the end of the chat. Entry Period: Raffle open now and closes at the end of this chat at 4 p.m. ET. Complete rules here.

Questions we will discuss:
1. If personal finance were an Olympic sport, what would be the key “events” to master for financial success?
2. What are your “gold medal” financial goals, and how do you plan to train and achieve them?
3. Personal financial planning is a marathon. How do you maintain your stamina to stick with your goals?
4. What are some common financial hurdles people face, and how can they clear them?
5. How can you balance your financial sprints (short term goals) with your financial marathons (long term goals)?
6. Just like athletes need the right gear, what tools or strategies are essential for good financial health?
7. Olympics teams are made up of the best athletes in their fields, how can you ensure you are surrounding yourself with the very best financial team to help you achieve your goals?
8. Managing your finances can be like getting the twisties in gymnastics. If you get off balance, how can you reset your financial mindset and stick the landing?
9. How can you ensure your family is synchronized in your financial goals?
10. What Olympic sport are you most looking forward to watching this summer?

Check out our complete list of upcoming personal finance Twitter chats here

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