How to Pay for College

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The panel included Rod Griffin: Senior Director, Consumer Education and Advocacy, Experian; Christina Roman: Consumer Education and Advocacy Manager at Experian; Beverly HarzogCredit Card Expert and Consumer Finance Analyst for U.S. News; Paulina Likos: Investing Reporter at U.S. News; Alicia R. Hudnett Reiss: CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™; Take Charge AmericaLawrence D. Sprung: CFP® President of Mitlin Financial, Inc; and Leslie H. Tayne, Esq: Founder and Managing Director of Tayne Law Group, P.C. (f/k/a The Law Offices of Leslie H. Tayne, P.C.).

Questions We Discussed:

Q1: What are some ways to pay for college without loans?
Q2: What are some common myths about financial aid?
Q3: What are some things to consider before taking out a student loan?
Q4: What is the difference between subsidized and unsubsidized student loans?
Q5: How can borrowers prepare to pay their loans back after graduation?
Q6: What happens if you default on a student loan?
Q7: How can borrowers avoid falling behind on student loan payments?
Q8: Is refinancing student loans a good idea?
Q9: How can borrowers determine if they’re eligible for loan forgiveness?
Q10: Where can students and their families learn more about college financial planning and other resources?

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