How to Use Twitter to Grow Your Business [Video]

Join our #MarketingChat on Twitter and YouTube every Thursday at 4 p.m. ET. This week, we talked with John Sparks about ways to leverage Twitter for business.

John Sparks is the owner and CEO of Online ImageWorks. Sparks has one of the largest Twitter followings in Texas. In two years, he went from having less than 800 followers on Twitter to well over 190-thousand organic Twitter followers.

Questions we discussed:

Q1: How can Twitter help build a brand?
Q2: What brands are using Twitter effectively for business? How?
Q3: What shouldn’t brands do on Twitter?
Q4: How can a brand increase a relevant following faster?
Q5: What do you think about promoted tweets? How should they be used?
Q6: What are good tools for finding your target audience on Twitter?
Q7: What conversations should businesses engage in? What are appropriate ways to engage?
Q8: How can Twitter help businesses increase leads and/or sales?
Q9: How often should a brand tweet? How can they figure out optimal times?
Q10: What are favorite tools for managing Twitter?

Resources Mentioned:

Make sure to follow John Sparks here:

Check out the full tweetchat: