Craig Boundy is Chief Operating Officer at Experian. Craig’s roles at Experian have included Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Experian North America, and Managing Director of Experian UK and Ireland. Previously, he was CEO of Global Operations at Logica UK, Chief Operating Officer (COO) at Cable & Wireless’ business in Europe, US and Asia, and Sales Director and COO at Energis. His early career was with BT.

-- Craig Boundy

All posts by Craig Boundy


Through Experian’s long-standing partnership with the UCI Paul Merage School of Business, I had the pleasure of participating recently in UCI’s Distinguished Speaker Series....

Published: December 7, 2015 by Craig Boundy

Forbes Magazine recently named Experian among the top 100 innovative companies in the world for the second year in a row. Forbes has a...

Published: August 25, 2015 by Craig Boundy

Our world today runs on data. It's changing the way we browse the Internet, run our businesses, treat medical patients and invest in technology....

Published: August 10, 2015 by Craig Boundy

Today, Experian and the nationwide credit reporting agencies announced another important step in our work to improve the credit lives of consumers and create...

Published: May 20, 2015 by Craig Boundy

Experian’s goal is to help consumers understand and actively engage in their credit life because it plays such an important role in building a...

Published: March 9, 2015 by Craig Boundy

Big data received a lot of press coverage in 2014; unfortunately, it wasn’t all kind. That’s too bad; because it’s not fair to lay...

Published: February 11, 2015 by Craig Boundy

The power of data is good. Couple it with analytics and it becomes great. Derive real and tangible insight from this process, and you...

Published: October 1, 2014 by Craig Boundy

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