David Britton works within Experian’s Global Identity and Fraud group leading strategy and thought leadership for the global group. David has been an innovator in the digital identity and fraud space for more than 20 years. He brings a wealth of experience and unique insights into the criminal methodology behind cyber fraud, as well as an understanding of the evolving digital identity landscape, and the operational challenges that businesses face.

-- David Britton

All posts by David Britton


The use of digital payments continues to trend upwards. While the pandemic pushed consumers online quickly out of necessity, it has since become a...

Published: July 13, 2021 by David Britton

Digital identity solutions are a crucial component to enhancing the customer experience in digital transactions. Driven by verified data, digital identity as a concept...

Published: January 20, 2021 by David Britton

Most of us have experienced the feeling of frustration when it comes to online security protocols. You need to log-in to an account, but...

Published: December 13, 2018 by David Britton

As businesses, we want to know our consumers and their habits so we can offer the best customer experience possible, whether in store or......

Published: August 30, 2018 by David Britton

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